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ETHICS - Class 9 First Language English Textbook Solutions


Comprehension :.

C1.) Answer the following questions in a sentence each:

1.) What question did the teacher ask every time?
Answer: The teacher used to ask the question if there was a fire in a museum which one would the children save , a Rembrandt painting or an old woman.
2.) Were the children able to answer the question correctly?
Answer: No, the children weren’t able to answer the question correctly
3.) The children responded to the question half- heartedly.
a) by debating on the question enthusiastically
b) half- heartedly.
c) by giving different answers at different times.
4.) Where is the speaker working when the speaker narrates this incident?
Answer: The speaker is working in the museum.
5.) What had the speaker realized after many years?
Answer: The speaker had realized that children are too young to understand and appreciate art of life. Only with the experience and age one values life.
C2.) 1. Pick out the expression in the poem that indicates that the question did not interest the children.
Answer: always half-heartedly is the expression in the poem that indicates that the question did not interest the children.
2.) The children were “restless on hard chairs” because
a) they were eager to answer the question immediately.
b) they were unable to understand the ethics dilemma.
c) the hardness of the chair affected their calmness.
3.) The images “half-heartedly” and “half-imagined” could mean
a) the children perceived the idea of ethical responsibility very faintly.
b) the ethical dilemma was beyond their understanding and experience.
c) children could not understand the gravity of the question.
[Note: There could be more than one currect option.]
C3.) Discuss with your friends if the poem is only about a lesson of ethics learnt in school or if it offers something higher than this.
Answer: The poet’s teacher used to ask the children if there was a fire, which would they save- a Rembrandt painting or an old woman. The question was beyond the understanding of the children. When the poet stood in the museum after many years, it was then he understood the depth of the question. It is the experience and age that makes a person understand things around it in a better way. The teacher’s question was not just a simple question but it was more than that.
C4.) List a few ethics you have to follow in the situations given below:

a) Place of work.
1.) Never answer back anyone especially seniors.
2.) Always speak politely
3.) Be on time
4.) Complete given work on time
b) Place of learning (a school / class).
1.) Maintain discipline
2.) Always speak politely with others
3.) Never answer back teachers
4.) Keep your class and campus clean
5.) Giving attention in the class
c) Place of worship.
1.) Maintain silence
2.) Don’t make the surrounding unclean
3.) Speak quietly
d) Place of living.
1.) Always respect others
2.) Maintain good relation with others
3.) Respect others’ opinions
4.) Don’t argue

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