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KREIS Morarji Desai and Kittur Rani Chennamma Residential School Principal Recruitment Education Paper-1 Question Papers-2011

Question booklet-paper-2
Subject: Education-1
Maximum Marks:150  Maximum Time: 3 hours  Subject code E1   Time: 3 pm to 6pm 
1. children aged 4-7 years often wriggle out of mother’s grip to go after intended things because they develop
(1) like for others
(2) a like for work
(3) fear of mother
(4) increased independence
2. Children learn to express anger with words as they reach
(1) 2 years
(2) abiltiy to speak
(3) 4 to 6 years
(4) school going age
3. Steady growth and body shape changes in children occur more noticeably between the ages
(1) 10 to 11
(2) 11 to 17
(3) 0 to 1
(4) 4 to 6
4. Chlidren begin to leari consevation of number, length and basic quantity notions during age interval of
(1) 14-16
(2) 7-11
(3) 12-14
(4) 2-7
5. Whenever a chlid pronounces a word wrong while learning he should be
(1) punished
(2) allowed
(3) prevented
(4) sent away
6. Very young children consider a chapatti or roti has more dough than dough ball before. This is not yet developed
(1) conservation of volume
(2) conservation of mass
(3) conservation of shape
(4) conservation of area
7. In piagat’s theory. Cognitive development involves operations which mental actions that are
(1) reversible
(2) irreversible
(3) sequential
(4) additive
8. Children think of concealed things as permanently gone during
(1) 0-2 years
(2) 7-11 years
(3) 2-7 years
(4) 11-1 years
9. Praising every time the student answers questions correctly is a kind of
(1) internal motivation
(2) no motivation
(3) external motivation
(4) interference
10. Learning is most effective when an individual is
(1) ready to read
(2) ready to say
(3) ready to write
(4) ready to learn
11. Readiness to learn means when one wants
(1) ambitious but not able
(2) a skill and knowledge to complete
(3) to give up task on hand
(4) change over to a difficult task
12. Permanent teeth children get by 17 years are
(1) 16
(2) 24
(3) 28
(4) 32
13. Motivation is enhanced by
(1) teacher’s interest in the topic
(2) parent’s interest in the learner
(3) interactive instructional material
(4) neutral environment
14. in males, adolescence ordinarily convers the age interval
(1) 12-19
(2) 14-25
(3) 10-17
(4) 7-11
15. Adolescence is derived from the latin word ‘adolescere’ which means
(1) to live up
(2) to behave
(3) to catch up
(4) to grow up
16. Teachers motivate learners by capturing their attention to learning a topic by
(1) preventing other attractions
(2) helping to memorise
(3) forcing discipline
(4) interesting visuals
17. Educational psychology is a systematic effort to understand the
(1) teacher preference
(2) student likes
(3) new information
(4) learning process
18. Teaching developing behaviour. In classroom practive it is careful handling of behaviour by
(1) appreciation
(2) reinforcement
(3) patience
(4) enforcement
19. Due to fluctuations in basal metobolism, young adolescents require place in school for
(1) physical movement and rest
(2) confiding and gossiping
(3) escaping from boredom
(4) enjoying freedom
20. To take learing in the desired direction, teaching requires management of
(1) blackboard presentation
(2) continqencies of reinforcement
(3) student self- decipline
(4) stuent own library work
21. in buberty phase, most important physiological hange is
(1) in breast size and shape
(2) increase in height
(3) development of reporduction system
(4) quality of voice
22. in boys during puberty, a typical secondary sex characteristic that sets in is the
(1) appearance of facial hairs
(2) change breast size
(3) softened voice
(4) skin gloss
23. Tapping their, fingers, or rocking their chair during the lesson is hyper activity disorder to make up for
(1) inability of fallow
(2) attention deficit
(3) need to do
(4) effort to be attentive
24. Young adolescents tend to have
(1) low appetite and eat less
(2) liking for dry food
(3) self-control over eating
(4) high appetite and peculiar tastes
25. Teachers and parents should counsel that adolescent physical (bodily)changes are
(1) troublesome
(2) natural and necessary to become adult
(4) not of special significance
26. Schools should help physical development and role justification by
(1) control in school and at home
(2) freedom to decide and act
(3) activities to express energy and capabilities
(4) imposing rules and penalty
27. One common reason for young adolescents to avoid taking partin physical activity is
they become '
(1) doubtful about viewers
(2) self-conscious with body growth
(3) doubt one's own ability
(4) feel shy of others
28. Intellectual development refers to the increased ability of people
(1) to understand and reason
(2) to associate with grown up youth
(3) be self-critical and withdrawn
(4) talk more and interact
29. The ability to think about one's own thinking is
(1) cognition
(2) meta-cognition
(3) introspection
(4) incubation
30. Adolescent boys and girls become sensuous and feel uncomfortable about sudden visible differentiation in terms of
(1) sweating
(2) hair growth
(3) muscle strength
(4) physical(body) features
31. In high school years, students begin to develop ability
(1) to set up and test hypothesis
(2) to operate concrete logic
(3) to solve problems
(4) to improve concrete perception
32. Learners construct meaning mostly from what they
(1) are tought
(2) see in real life
(3) believe and understand
(4) read and grasp
33. More structured learning experiencs are requierd by youngsters who are
(1) creative thinkers
(2) all children
(3) concrete thinkers
(4) abstract thinkers
34. To foster intellectual development, learning should be made of
(1) a lot of reading
(2) real life interactions and hands-on experience
(3) free individual pursuits
(4) interaction with teachers
35. Adolescents tend to be indealistic and posses a strong sense of fairness. Parents and teachers have to prevent fight over their
(1) intense likes and dislikes
(2) sense of help and sacrifce
(3) pursuring study, sport and talents
(4) sense of right and wrong
36. In high school years, learners tend to be highly curious and display a broad array of interests, They continue to sustain
(1) all
(2) some
(3) none
(4) one
37. confirming whether an object is an example or non-example of a property of a class is a way to concept formation. This approach was developed by
(1) J.S.Bruner
(2) J.C.Flanagan
(3) Mitchell
(4) B.S.Bloom
38. As they raach high school level, students begin to take responsibility. This meant for them a chance of
(1) a teacher favour
(2) asn adult idnentity
(3) unavoidable burden
(4) waste of energy
39. Emotionally charged situations trigger young adolescents most often to resort
(1) risky decisions with negative consequences
(2) escape from situation
(3) retaliatory action
(4) fear and losing self-confidence
40. In skinner box, the hungry rat's frantic natural movement nearing the liver is first reinforced by a pellet of food. Moving near the lever is
(1) an operant behavior
(2) conditioned response
(3) reinforcing stimulus
(4) a relevant response
41. In moral development, youth move from blanket accepteance of adult moral judgment to judgment based on
(1) personal values
(2) practicality
(3) other's needs
(4) group values
42. Skinner propounded theory of
(1) operant conditioning
(2) classical conditioning
(3) S-R connectionism
(4) learning hierarchy
43. When Binet test was revised at Stanford University, it was named
(1) Stanford-Binet Test
(2) Alfred Binet Test
(3) Wechsler Bellevue Test
(4) Wallach and Kogan Test
44. nAch Stands for
(1) need for satisfaction
(2) need for achievement
(3) gap in knowledge
(4) external prompt
45. Binet and Simon developed tests for children which enabled the examiner to determine their
(1) educational age
(2) mental age
(3) chronological age
(4) assumed age
46. Wisdom teeth which erupt after 17 years are
(1) 6
(2) 4
(3) 8
(4) 2
47. primary teeth start falling and permanent teeth begin to erup around the age of
(1) six
(2) nine
(3) three
(4) two
48. Hand preference fully develops in young children at the age of
(1) 6 years
(2) 4 years
(3) 3 years
(4) 2 years
49. Preoperational period comes next to
(1) concrete operations stage
(2) formal operations stage
(3) sensory motor stage
(4) post maturity stage
50. The psychological process of creating a desire for learning and guiding its progress in the desired direction is
(1) prompting
(2) motivating
(3) promoting
(4) teaching
51. The aritcal which was under the Directive Principle of the state was
(1) Article 16
(2) Article 29
(3) Article 30
(4) Article 45
52. Management refers to
(1) Policy making function
(2) Decision making function at Apex
(3) Executive function
(4) Laying down objectives function
53. "Educational Adminis
(1) Ordway Tead
(2) Graham Balfour
(3) Oliver Sheldon
(4) Luther Gullicl
54. The father of "the administrative process" is
(1) Frederick Taylor
(2) Henri Fayol
(3) Robert owens
(4) Halpin
55. The job of manager as indicated by letters POSDCORB was given by
(1) Luther Gullick
(2) Max Weber
(3) Talcott Parson
(4) Woodrow Wilson
56. Frederick Taylor was called the father of
(1) Administrative Process
(2) Human Relations Approach
(3) Scientific Management
(4) Contingency Approach
57. "Management by Objectives"(MBO) was advocated by
(1) Kimbrough
(2) Halpin
(3) McGregor
(4) Peter Drucker
58. The Higher Education Commission is also known as the
(1) Radhakrishnan Commission
(2) Mudaljar Commission
(3) Kothari Commisssion
(4) Wood's Despatch
59. Planning requires
(1) Resources and money
(2) Future objectives and vision
(3) communication Skills
(4) Executive ability
60. The first effort on planning in the field of education dates back to
(1) Kotheri Commission 1964-66
(2) Mudaliar Commission 1953
(3) Wood's Despatch 1854
(4) Calutta University Commission 1917-19
61. Educational planning has to be an intergral part of
(1) Social planning
(2) Economic planning
(3) Institutional planning
(4) National planning
62. Education is considered a means to achieve the socialo goals refers to
(1) Employment based educational planning
(2) Social justice based educatiional planning
(3) Planning in education has to synchronize with the goals of the larager society
(4) need based educational plannning
63. India is a free
(1) Socialistic Country
(2) Capitalist Country
(3) Democratic Country
(4) Communistic Country
64. The process of preparing a set of decisions for action in future is known as
(1) Decision-making
(2) Planning
(3) Evaluation
(4) Organization
65. Administartion is performance of
(1) administrative environment
(2) administrative context
(3) administrative product
(4) administrative process
66. The constitutional provisions for education on behalf of Central Government are discharged by
(1) CABE
(3) NCTE
(4) MHRD
67. One of the important functions of UGC is
(1) Maintenance and determination of standards in higher education
(2) To evolve educational policy
(3) To deal with intellectual property
(4) To co-ordinate UNESCO Programmes
68. "Opeation BlackBoard" was the programme initiated by
(3) Ministry of Education, MHRD
69. The educational services offered by missionaries & philanthropists come under
(1) Centrally managed education
(2) State managed education
(3) Local bodies managed education
(4) Privately managed education
70. "Article 45" speaks of
(1) Vocational education
(2) Teacher education
(3) Free & compulsory education
(4) Non-formal education
71. Administration is
(1) Synonymous with management
(2) Different from management
(3) Component of management
(4) Opposite of management
72. National Literacy Mission(NCM) was established to impart
(1) Informal literacy
(2) Social literacy
(3) Functional literacy
(4) Formal literacy
73. One of the important qualities required for effective leadership is
(1) seniority
(2) Qualification
(3) Popularity
(4) competence
74. Ryburn compares the headmaster to the
(1) Captain of a ship
(2) Cog in a wheel
(3) Main spring in the watch
(4) Sun in a solar system
75. The creation of healthy school environment mostly depends on
(1) Students
(2) Parents & Community
(3) Teachers
(4) Headmaster
76. A Headmaster should
(1) maintain distance with parents
(2) maintain formal relations with parents
(3) earn goodwill and co-operation of parents
(4) exploit resources of parents
77. Organization of school plant is the responsibility of
(1) Management
(2) Non-teaching staff
(3) Teachers
(4) Headmaster
78. The academic guidance in the field of teacher education is provided by
(1) NCTE
(3) UGC
79. In ancient India a teacher was ranked next to
(1) Kings
(2) parents
(3) Saints
(4) God
80. The most important factor in the contemplated educational re-construction is the
(1) Headmaster
(2) Students
(3) Teacher
(4) Society
81. One of the ways through a teacher can keep himself abreast with the development in teaching is
(1) Community relationship
(2) Relationship with higher authorities
(3) Relations with professional organization
(4) Relations with colleagues
82. Article'45' which ensures provision for free and compulsory education was added by
(1) 42nd Amendment
(2) 86th Amendment
(3) 91st Amendment
(4) 93rd Amendment
83. The Directive Principle of the State Policy are found in the
(1) Part five of constitution of India
(2) Part Three of Constitution of India
(3) Part Three and Five of Constitution of India
(4) Part Five of the Constitution
84. TJanhe Right to Education bill(RTE) was enacted in the year
(1) July 2000
(2) Jan 2003
(3) Dec 2007
(4) Aug 2009
85. "A Teacher is the image of Bramha", is said by
(1) Kautilya
(2) Manu
(3) Plato
(4) Socrates
86. As per the Right to Education Act(RTE), all private schools should enroll children from weaker sections to the extent of
(1) 50%
(2) 25%
(3) 30%
(4) 40%
87. The Right to Education(RTE) was made a Fundamental Right & put under Chapeter-3 of constitution as
(1) Article-20A
(2) Article-30C
(3) Article-21
(4) Article-31D
88. The body which is mandated to monitor "Right to Education Act"(RTE) is
(1) MHRD(Ministry of Human Resource Development)
(2) NCERT(National Council for Educational Research & Training)
(3) CABE(Central Advisory Board for Education)
(4) NCPCR(National Commission for Protection of Child Rights)
89. For Right to Education the centre & the States have agreed to share the financial burden in thr ratio of
(1) 55:45
(2) 45:55
(3) 25:75
(4) 75:25
90. MHRD Minister Kapil Sibal stated that RTE is preparing a framework for
(1) Quantity education
(2) Weaker Sections education
(3) Quality education
(4) SC/ST education
91. In Constitution of India, Fundamental Rights are contained in
(1) Part Five
(2) Part Seven
(3) Part Four
(4) Part Three
92. The 'Right to Education'(RTE) Act is enforced from
(1) 20th March 2007
(2) 14th April 2009
(3) 31st Dec. 2009
(4) 1st April 2010
93. Education was put to Concurrent list in
(1) Forty Second Amendment
(2) Sixty Fourth Amendment
(3) Seventy Second Amendment
(4) Eighty Fourth Amendment
94. Institutions of national importance and Central Universities under entry 62 and 63 respectively are listed under
(1) Sate list
(2) Concurrent list
(3) Union list
(4) Federal list
95. Article 29 and 30 of the Indian Constitution guarantees
(1) Right to education
(2) Free & Compulsory education
(3) Welfare of SC/ST
(4) Right of minorities to establish & administer educational institutions & protection of their interest
96. Facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary satge is enshrined in the
(1) Article 345
(2) Article 346
(3) Article 350A
(4) Article 351
97. Article 15 guarantees
(1) Right to work
(2) Prohibition of discrimination
(3) Equality of opportunity
(4) Abolition of unaccountability
98. The first "National Policy on Education" was formulated in
(1) 1950
(2) 1949
(3) 1962
(4) 1968
99. 10+2+3 pattern of education has been recognized as the national pattern in
(1) 1952
(2) 1958
(3) 1968
(4) 1972
100. Justice, liberty, equality and fraternity is indicated in the
(1) constituent Assembly
(2) Preamble to the Constitution
(3) State Directive Principle
(4) 7th Schedule of the Constitution
101. The principle the underlies 'Joyful learning'
(1) education through entertainment
(2) learning should be joyful experience
(3) teaching has to be like a play
(4) children should be given uninhibited freedom
102. This is the programme implemented recently in the primary schools of Karnataka with emphasis on self learning and self paced learning
(1) Nalikali
(2) Kelikali
(3) Chaitrada Chiguru
(4) Ba marali Shalege
103. 'Samudayadatta Shale' programme
(1) attracts the community towards the school
(2) reflects teachers and parents relucatance
(3) is a burden on the teachers
(4) tries to go the community and impresses upon the community about the school pupils and their learning levels
104. This is a strategy to bring back to schools out of school girls
(1) Kooliyinda Shalege
(2) Ba Marali Shalege
(3) Ba Bale Shalege
(4) Where migration there school
105. 'Keli Kali' programme
(1) is a children's radio programme
(2) removes monotony of the classroom
(3) has no listerners
(4) is an entertaining programme
106. Children who could not get formal education can learn
(1) through postal lessons
(2) study at home
(3) through National open school
(4) by paying visit to the Tutorial centre
107. This is one of the objectives of KSQAO
(1) making an objective analysis of quality evalution at the school education level
(2) creating competitive spirit among the schools
(3) making teachers to focus more on results
(4) Strenghthening quality controls
108. The recommendations of this committee is instrumental in establishment of SDMCs in Karnataka State.
(1) Prof. Yashpal Committee
(2) Prof. Nanjundappa Committee
(3) Dr. Rajaramanna Committee
(4) Sarojini Mahishi Committee
109. This Committee at the grass root levels has the power to conduct an enquiry when school Children undergo sexual harassment
(1) Teachers Committee
(2) School Development committee
(3) Enquiry Committee
(4) Civic Amenities Committee
110. People have these feelings about SDMCs
(1) more importance given to civi works
(2) SDMCs in the hands of influential people
(3) has developed the spirit of school ownership among people
(4) it is more intersted in controlling teachers
111. Evalution at the lower primary level is as follows:
(1) Comprehensive lesson evalution
(2) Continuous and comprehensive evalution
(3) Competency based continuous and comprehensive evalution
(4) None of these
112. Minimum levels of learning means
(1) bare minimum subjects are learnt
(2) it is enough if a handful of pupils learn
(3) a programme which specifies the levels of learnings of the pupils
(4) an attempt to make 80% of the pupils to learn 80% of the competencies preserved
113. The objective of oral evaluation is
(1) asking a few oral questions
(2) assessment of pupils self confidence and self expression
(3) to maintain discipline in the class
(4) theatening children by asking difficult questions
114. The name of the computer education programme that was launched by Govt. of Karnataka.
(1) Schoolnet
(3) Mahitisindu
(4) CLAss
115. This is one of the special feartures of school computer education
(1) opportunity to learn in Kannada too
(2) opportunity to learn in Kannada and English
(3) opportunity to learn only in English
(4) opportunity to learn in Hindi
116. The reason for non-availability of computer education in all schools of the state
(1) Govt. not interested
(2) financial and management problems in schools
(3) lack of computer teachers
(4) mismatch between computer lessons and lessons in the textbooks
117. Steps involved in bridge course
(1) pretest, achievement post test
(2) prestest, diagnosis of the defect, achievement test
(3) prestest, diagnosis, remedial teaching and achievement test
(4) prestest and remedial teaching and achievement test
118. This is one of the objectives of DiET
(1) providing nutritious food to the pupils
(2) Organizing training programmes week after week
(3) Documentation of training programmes
(4) To Strengthen database at the district level
119. One of the problems faced by the Block resource persons
(1) teachers abstaining from training programmes
(2) financial crunch
(3) collection of information from various sources and transmissions
(4) lack of guidance
120. Money is belong collected in this manner for National Teachers Welfare Trust.
(1) From State Govt.'s grants
(2) Selling the flags with Radhakrishna's picture on terachers day
(3) From Central Govt.'s grants
(4) Public donations
121. The president of Karnataka State Teachers Welfare Fund
(1) Chief Minister
(2) Finance Minister
(3) Education Minister
(4) Social Welfare Minister
122. This is one of the important objectives of in service educstion
(1) spending money allocated
(2) organizing programmens to fulfill the condition that 20 days of in service education mandatory to the teachers
(3) developing competencies among the teahers so that they play multiple roles in the modern context
(4) getting training frequently is compulsory
123. The advocate of Action research
(1) BF Skinner
(2) Stephen Corey
(3) Edward Debono
(4) Stephen Hawking
124. Action reserch means
(1) Fundamental research
(2) active research
(3) a kind of a research to find solution to the problem
(4) an attempt to find scientific solutions to day to day problems of education
125. Action researcher
(1) applies readymade solutions
(2) waits for others to find solutions to the problems
(3) finds solutions at the earliest
(4) indulges in a long term research
126. The solution provided by action research is
(1) temporary
(2) permanent
(3) not at all a solution
(4) useless
127. The purpose of 'Keli-Kali' programme
(1) making school children to listen to radio
(2) entertaining childrren
(3) meaningful use of popular media in education
(4) giving training to teachers
128. Scholarships are awarded to those who qualify NTSE at the State level
(1) State Student Welfare Fund
(2) National Teachers Welfare Fund
(3) Management of Schools
(4) Social Welfare Dept.
129. Edusat programme means
(1) Computer assisted learning in the class
(2) Learning through radio
(3) Satellite based education
(4) Watching TV.
130. The symptom of a visually impaired child
(1) inattentive in the class
(2) speaking loudly
(3) requesting to repeat the question
(4) blinking the eyes repeatedly
131. Teachers teaching mentally challenged children have to do theis
(1) punish and teach
(2) make the children to by heart
(3) teaching using the real objects to the extent possible
(4) children left to themselves
132. The purpose of Home based education
(1) it is better the child learns at homes as there are no facilities in the school
(2) parents can teach at home better as there is short supply of teachers
(3) bringing these special children who could not attend schools to the main stream
(4) application of the principle Home is the first School
133. The purpose of imparting environmental education at the school level
(1) let the children learn a new subject
(2) creating an awareness about protection of environment
(3) celebrating 'Vanamahotsava' at the school level
(4) increasing the workload of teachers
134. Broadcast timing of kelikali
(1) saturday forenoon 10.30 to 11.30
(2) monday to friday forenoon 11.30 to 12.30
(3) everyday afternoon 3.00 to 4.00 pm
(4) monday to friday forenoon 11.00 to 12.oo noon
135. To impart environmental education at schools we need
(1) garduates in environmental science
(2) Science teachers
(3) teachers who have environment consciousness
(4) audio visual aids
136. Medical checkup camps are to be organized in schools regularly because
(1) children can meet the specialist doctors
(2) teachers can be aware of health conditions of their pupils
(3) to remove the fear of doctors among children
(4) eradication of unemployment problem of graduate from meddicine
137. The purpose of providing health education in schools
(1) is to inform children to take bath regualrly
(2) children can maintain their physical as well as mental health
(3) producing strong men and women
(4) is to establish coordination between the Dept. of Health and the Dept. of Educaion.
138. Physical education in schools should be emphasised
(1) beacause it brings employment opportunities to physical education graduates
(2) children can play well
(3) to provide leisure between lessons
(4) by providing physical education health of the children improves
139. The Dept. of Education in Karnataka has recently launched a programme to enhance the self esteem of school going girls
(1) 'Spandana'
(2) 'Prerana'
(3) 'Meena'
(4) 'Bhagyalakshmi'
140. This is the most suitable method of teaching environment education in schools
(1) Lecture
(2) Activity
(3) Making Children to by heart concept of environment
(4) Direct observation
141. Mid day meal scheme
(1) has solved the problems of pupil's hunger
(2) has reduced the dropout rate
(3) has checked unemployment problem
(4) has improved the health of the school children
142. Awarding grades in place of marks
(1) has helped to remove unhealthy competition among children
(2) has enhanced the anxiety of the parents
(3) is responsible for lowering achievement motivation among pupils
(4) has made evelution easier
143. providing access to education
(1) is parental responsibility
(2) is the responsibility of the State Govt.
(3) is the joint responsibility of the State and Central Govts.
(4) is the responsibility of the teachers
144. This is the provision to be made for differently abled children
(1) opening of special schools
(2) separate arrangement to be made in the classroom
(3) appointment of special teachers
(4) access to inclusive education
145. Sarvashiksha Abhiyan means
(1) Early childhood education
(2) Centrally sponsored scheme
(3) A punishment campaign for all
(4) Free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6-14 yrs.
146. The purpose of 'Prathibha Karanji' is
(1) preparing children for competitions
(2) to create mutual co-operation among the schools
(3) providing scope to expression of latent talents of the children
(4) to entertain children
147. Recent programme that is implemented by the State Govt. to improve learning of the school children.
(1) promotion of all children
(2) remedial teaching
(3) activity oriented teaching
(4) semester method
148. 'Baaleyarige Bicycle' programme
(1) has provided cycles to school going girls
(2) has created new problems in schools
(3) has brought cheers to parents
(4) has created gender equality
149. Providing access to education at the grass root level is the responsibility of
(1) Local MLAs
(2) Zilla panchayat president
(3) Cluster resource person
(4) SDMC members
150. Learning without burden means
(1) The burden of textbooks is reduced
(2) The burden of school bag is reduced
(3) The work load of teachers is reduced
(4) The physical and psychological burden is reduced.
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