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The Joy of Filling Forms - Class 7th Third Language English Textbook Solutions

 The Joy of Filling Forms
Identify the people:

(1) Who is sitting in the chamber?

Answer: A cashier is sitting in the chamber.
(2) Who are the other people sitting in the cabins?

Answer: Bank employees are sitting in the cabins.
(3) Some people are standing. Who are they? What are they doing?
Answer: The people standing in a queue are customers who are depositing/ withdrawing money.
A.) Comprehension :
I.) Answer the following questions in a word/ phrase or a sentence each :
1.) Why did Sagar and his mother Savitha go to school?

Answer: Sagar and his mother Savitha goes to school to take Sagar’s admission for fifth standard.
2.) What did the headmaster give to Savitha?
Answer: The headmaster gives an admission form to Savitha.
3.) Whom did the headmaster call to fill the admission form?
Answer:  The headmaster called Kajal, Sagar’s elder sister to fill the admission form.
4.) Who was Kajal?
Answer: Kajal was Sagar’s elder sister.
5.) Which standard was Kajal studying in?
Answer: Kajal was studying in seventh standard.
II.) Answer the following questions. Discuss the answers with the members of your group.
1.) Why did Sagar’s father send money?

Answer: Sagar’s father sends money for his children’s education and family maintenance.
2.) Why did Savitha buy a packet of chocolates?
Answer:  It was first day of Sagar at school and she wanted him to give the chocolates to all the children so she bought a packet of chocolates.
3.) Why did the headmaster call Kajal to the office?
Answer: The headmaster called Kajal to the office to help her mother in filling the admission form.
4.) What did the headmaster ask the students to learn?

Answer: The headmaster asked the students to learn how to fill the different forms.
5.) Name the forms given by the Headmaster to the students.
Answer: The form give by the Headmaster to the students were railway reservation forms, bank challans, bus ticket reservation forms, money order forms and admission forms.
III.) Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow :
1.) “Why does he give you money?”
a.) Who asked this question?

Answer: Sagar asked this question.
b.) Who gave money?

Answer: Sagar’s father gave money.
c.) Whom was it given to?
Answer: It was given to Sagar’s mother Savitha.
2.) “Could you help me fill this form Sir?”
a.) Who said this?

Answer: Savitha said this.
b.) Who is ‘you’ here?
Answer: ‘You’ here is the headmaster.
c.) What form they want to fill?

Answer: They want to fill an admission form.
3.) “May we come in Sir?”
a.) Who said this?

Answer: Sagar’s mother, Savitha said this.
b.) Who is the ‘Sir’ here?

Answer: ‘Sir’ here means the headamaster.
c.) Why did they meet him?

Answer: They met to take admission of Sagar.
IV.) Some statements are given below. Some are true and some are false. Write ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the box provided against each sentences accordingly :
1.) All the children filled the admission form. [F]
2.) We can reserve train tickets. [T]
3.) We fill in a form to open an account in a bank. [T]
4.) Kajal filled a pay-in-slip. [F]
5.) Sagar was admitted in standard II. [F]
6.) The Headmaster filled in the admission form. [F]
B.) Vocabulary :
V.) Match the following types of forms under the list ‘A’ with their places of availability under the list ‘B’

1.) admission form      –           c. School
2.) reservation form    –           d. railway station
3.) pay-in-slip              –           a. bank
4.) money order form  –           b. post office
VI.) Make new words by adding ‘ch’ in the beginning or at the end of the given words :
Now, find the meanings of these words with the help of a dictionary and put them in alphabetical order.

1.) Batch
2.) Bench
3.) Catch
4.) Chair
5.) Cheap
6.) Cheat
7.) Cheer
8.) Check
9.) Chit
10.) Hatch
VIII. Make as many meaningful sentences as possible by using the following words given in the table.
1.) Could I take this atlas, Sir?
2.) Could I pack this school bag, Sir?
3.) Could I buy that pen, mother?
4.) Could we get that school bag, daddy?
Rearrange the words into meaningful sentences and write them in your notebook :

1.) stops/them/the postman/near

Answer: The postman stops near them.
2.) is/good/at/studies/her/Kajal
Answer: Kajal is good at studies.
3.) form/gives/an/admission/Headmaster/the

Answer: The Headmaster gives an admission form.
4.) guides/them/he
Answer: He guides them.
5.) is/she/an/girl/intelligent
Answer: She is an intelligent girl.
D.) Reading skill :
X.) Read the given passage and answer the following questions :

1.) Who was Abdul?

Answer: Abdul was a poor boy.
2.) How did he become an officer?
Answer: He became an officer by working hard.
3.) Where did he work?

Answer: He worked at a private firm.
4.) How does his wife maintain his mansion?
Answer: His wife maintains his mansion in a neat way.
5.) What is a mansion?
Answer: A mansion is a huge residence.
2.) Frame sentences using the clues supplied. Follow the example.

eg.: ___________ get up at 5.00 am
Ramesh is going to get up at 5.00 am tomorrow

1.) read newspaper till 8.30 am

Answer: Ramesh is going to read newspaper till 8.30 am.
2.) have breakfast at 9 am
Answer: Ramesh is going to have breakfast at 9.00 am.
3.) leave for office at 10 am
Answer: Ramesh is going to leave for office at 10 am.
4.) return home at 6.30 pm
Answer: Ramesh is going to return home at 6.30 pm.
5.) eat his dinner at 8.45 pm

Answer: Ramesh is going to eat his dinner at 8.45 pm.
6.) go to bed at 10 pm

Answer: Ramesh is going to go to bed at 10 pm.
Look at the pictures given above and answer the questions : see the example.
1.) What can give light?

A lamp can give light.
2.) What can hop?
Answer:  A rabbit can hop.
3.) What can lay eggs?
Answer: A hen can lay eggs.
4.) What can cut?

Answer: A knife can cut.
XII. Now answer the following :
1.)  What can sail? (boats/boys/ships )

Answer:  A boat can sail.
2.) What can fly? (birds/cars/aeroplanes )
Answer: Birds can fly.
3.) What can jump? (monkeys/watches/horses)
Answer: Monkeys can jump.
F.) Spoken English:

XIII.) When you want a favour from someone, you must respectfully request for it. How will you do it? Follow the example.

eg.: I am thirsty. Could you please give me a glass of water?
Now request for things according to the given contexts.
1.) When you are hungry.

Answer: Could you please give me sandwich to eat?
2.) When you want to borrow a book.

Answer: Could you please give me the book you were reading yesterday?
3.) When you want some help.
Answer: Could you please give me hand for carrying this heavy material?
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