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SOCIAL STRATIFICATION - Class 10 Social Textbook Solutions



1. “Truly the whole mankind is one” is declared by __________


2. “Untouchability is a stigma on Hindu religion”. This was told by  __________
 (Mahathma Gandhiji)

3. Section _________ of the constitution declares that practice of untouchability is a punishable offence. (17)


1. What is meant by social stratification?
Social Stratification is the classification of the people as upper/lower class on the basis of income, education, caste, colour, gender etc.

2. How has social stratification been created?
1. Social stratification is caused by society.
2. It is found in all societies.
3. In every society, thedistinction between rich and poor is there.
4. It is ainhumane system.
5. Caste system exists in India.
6. Whites used to sell black people in America. Thus social stratification has arisen in every society.  

3. What is meant by prejudices?
It is the opinion of a person, about another person or community even before he gets to know them.

4. What are the constitutional and legal measures undertaken to eradicate untouchability?
1. Section 17 of the Constitutionprohibits the untouchability practice.
2. ‘The Untouchability Crime Act’ was implemented in 1955.
3. In 1976, it was amended as ‘Citizen’s Rights Protection Act’.
4.Under this,untouchability is a punishable offence.
5. Universal suffrage is given to all.
6. Right to equality is guaranteed.
7. Reservationsare given to Backward castes.
8.1989 Regulation givesspecial responsibilities to the state govts.

5. What are the suggestions to stop the social evil of untouchability?
1. By providing educational facilities.
2. By providing financial facilities.
3. Imposing harsh punishments.
4. Housing facilities to the backward castes.
5. Abolition of caste system.
6.Creatingpublic awarenessagainst untouchability.
7. Byproviding reservations.
8. Abolition of practice of inferior jobs.


1. From which, the social stratification is built?

Social stratification is built by society.

2. What are the disadvantages of social stratification?
1. It leads to inequality.      
2. It also leads to differences in society.
3. It humiliates the people.    
4. It classifies the people as the low class.
5. It won’t allow the people to take waterfrom public wells/lakes.

3. What does Pampa's saying, “Truly, the whole mankind is one” denote?
Pampa's saying, “Truly, the whole mankind is one” denotes, that all humans beings are one. 

4. List the reasons for prejudice.

1. Caste discrimination
2. Gender Discrimination
3. Region Discrimination
4. Rich-poor discrimination

5. What are the consequences of prejudice created by discrimination?
1. It leads to impatience.
2. It develops the feeling of contempt.
3. Creates the disrepect among the people.
4. It leads to social conflicts.

6. What is positive prejudice or bias?
Usually, we consider ‘our people’ as ‘good’.This feeling is called as Positive Prejudice.
7. What is the benefit of Positive Prejudice?
It helps us to live in harmony.

8. Who have been considered at the lowest strata of the society?
The untouchableshad been considered to be at the lowest strata of society.

9. Due to the practice of untouchability, what are the facilities deprived of lower castes?

Due to the practice of untouchability, lower caste people deprived of social, cultural, religious, educational & political facilities and opportunities.

10. How untouchability is dying down?
With the gradual increase in literacy, the untouchability is dying down.

11. Who fight against the stigma of untouchability?
2.Swami Vivekananda   

12. In which year, the Govt of India implemented ‘Untouchability Crime Act’?

In 1955

13. Why did ‘Untouchability Crime Act’ amended as ‘Citizen’s Rights Protection Act’ in 1976?
To rectify the lacunae in the “Untouchability Crime Act’.

14.What does ‘Citizen’s Rights Protection Act’ say?
It says,practice of untouchability is a punishable offence.

15. Which regulation confers special responsibility to the state governments? 
The Regulation of 1989.

16.The sections of constitution stipulate that, there should no discrimination among Indian Citizens are ___________  

Sections 15, 16, 17, 38 & 46

17.The sections of constitution that guarantees reservation in the employment to Scheduled Castes & Tribes are ______
Sections 16(4) & 320(4)

18.The sections that guarantees reservation in political field to scheduled castes & tribes are __________________

(330, 332, 334)

19.The section that guarantees educational facilities is _________
(Section 29)

20. The section that guarantees free entry to all people to social & religious places is __________
(Section 25)

21.What are the provisions in our constitution to supplement the elimination of untouchability? 
1. Section 17prohibits the practice of untouchability.
2. Sections 15, 16, 17, 38 & 46stipulate, that there should be no discrimination.
3. Sections 16 (4) and 320 (4) guarantee reservation in the employment sector to scheduled castes and tribes.
4. Sections 330, 332 and 334 guarantee reservation in the political field to scheduled castes and tribes.
5. Section 29 guarantees educational facilities. 6. Section25 guarantees free entry to all people to social and religious places.
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