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MARCH - Class 6 First Language English Textbook Solutions

Pre-reading task :

1.) How many seasons do we have in a year?
(spring, summer, autumn and winter)
Answer: Mainly we have 4 seasons i.e. Summer, winter, rainy and spring.
2.) Which season comes after winter?
Answer: Spring comes after winter.
3.) What changes do we see in Nature in spring?
Answer: There is warm weather in spring. Also it is the season of the renewal.
1.) Complete these sentences with the best choice given
A) The poet is watching the scene from a place
i) near a lake 
ii) near a stream 
 iii) near a field
iv) on the top of a hill

b.) In the first five lines of the poem the poet is speaking to
i) himself 
ii) a companion
 iii) two friends
 iv) a group of people

c.) The ploughboy is making loud cries
i) to talk to the horses
ii) to call out to other workers
iii) just to shout with joy
iv) to give signals to the ploughman
2.) Talk to your partner about the points raised in the questions below. Write down what you say :

a.) Who are at work?
Answer: The oldest and the youngest are at work.
b.) Why are the cows not raising their heads?
Answer: The cows are not raising their heads because they are busy grazing.
c.) What is the ploughboy doing?
Answer: The ploughboy is excited with the arrival of the new season and is shouting with joy and working.
d.) Why does the poet say that the snow is only on the top of the bare hill?
Answer: The poet compares the snow with the defeated army which is retreated from the battle and is now entering in the phase of something new and bare.
e.) Why is the poem called “March”?
Answer: The scenario presented in the poem gives the picture of the month of March, so the poem is called ‘March.”
f.) Pick out the rhyming words in the poem and write them down.
Answer: Crowing- flowing, twitter – glitter, youngest- strongest, grazing- raising, defeated- retreated, ill- hill, mountains- fountains, sailing- prevailing.
Writing :
3.) The poet uses two figures of speech – a personification and a simile. Find them and explain them in 6 to 8 sentences.
Answer: Personification – The green field sleeps in the sun;
Here the poet gives the human activity of sleeping to the field. The green field sleeps peacefully in the warm sun.
Simile – Like an army defeated
The snow hath retreated,
In the above lines, the poet compares the melting of the snow to the defeated army retreating from the battleground.
a) Do the exercise given below working with your partner.
As we read this poem we see beautiful scenes of Nature and rural l area. Wordsworth makes readershear twittering of birds and voices of men, women, boys and cattle busy at farm work. One can imagine even the heavy breathing of plough boy as they graze ravenously. Wordsworth stands near a stream and wonders aboutthe change March has brought with it.

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