Prose -4 The Bird of Happiness
Multiple choice questions
1. The people of the poor area believed that a. happiness must exist somewhere in the world b. happiness will never exist
c. happiness has nothing to do with people d. it was a type of bird
2. The people offered Wangjia a number of things,because
a. to help his journey b. he was a bright boy
c. to wish him a happy journey d. give him strength fight the monsters
3.In what way the bird was guarded? It was guarded by
a.many small birds b.strong lions c. the strong eagles d. the three old monsters with a long beard
4. Wangjia walked eastwards because
a. He believe east is the auspicious direction b. the Bird of happiness lived there was the direction of the rising sun d. people of Tibet suggested him
5. The people would have been happy,if they had
a.richness b. property c.good crop d.rivers, good land, warmth, fresh flowers, trees or green grass
6. Wangjia was sent to find the bird of happiness was in accordance with
a. the custom of the people. b. rules that govern the people. c. wishes of the people. d. beliefs of the people.
7.The mountain that wangjia saw was
a. full of birds b. full of an imals c. large snowy shone like silver d. Small and green
8. Wangjia decided not to go back because
a. he knew that the people at home were waiting for him to bring back happiness. b. he was patient enough to face the difficulties.
c.he promised thepeople to come back with the Bird of happiness. d. he did not know the way.
9. Wangjia wasable to cover the scree entirely
a. by his vehicle b. by the magic power of the monsters c. by hishorse d. on foot.
10.The first monster made Wangjia suffer by
a. making him walk across the scree b. staving him to death c. gouging his eyes d. giving him troubles
11.The second monster made him suffer by
a. making him walk across the scree b. staving him to death c. gouging his eyes d. giving him troubles
12.The second monster made Wangjia lose his
a.his eye sight b. strength c. food d. energy
13.The third monster made him suffer by
a. making him walk across the scree b. staving him to death c. gouging his eyes d. giving him troubles
14. When Wangjia reached the third monster he was nothing but
a. God b. Bird of happiness c. skin and bone d. happiy and joyful
15. The statement that brought hope to Wangjia’s life was
a.” You’ll be done for” b.” Will I ever make it”
c.” I’’ll gouge your eyes” d.“My lovely child, have you come here for me?”
16.The statement that shows that Wangjia did not wanthappiness for himself is
a. please come back with me b. my people long to see you day and night
c. we want warmth and happiness,forests and flowers ,fields and river d. I want happiness.
17.The first monster demanded Wangjia to
a. kill Lousang’s mother b. poison old gaffer Silong c. gouge Bhima’s eyes d.walk on scree
18.The second monster demanded Wangjia to
a. kill Lousang’s mother b. poison old gaffer Silong c. gouge Bhima’s eyes d.walk on scree
19.The thirdmonster demanded Wangjia to
a. kill Lousang’s mother b. poison old gaffer Silong c. gouge Bhima’s eyes d.walk on scree
20.The old folk in the poor Area believed that Happiness was a beautiful
a. tree b.mountain c. bird d. forest
21. The bird of happiness lived in the
a. nest b. three old monsters c. cave d.snowy mountain
22. The three monsters killed whoever met them by
a. poisoning b. hanging c. blowing their beards d. firing
23. The mothers wished Wangjia a good journey by
a. spreading rice,corns b. spreading barley grains c. offering barley grains d. saying happy journey
24. The first monster’s voice was like that of a
a. a crow b. a whistling wind c.thunder d. a melodious song
25. The second monster’s voice was like that of a
a. a crow b. a whistling wind c.thunder d. a melodious song
26. The third monster’s voice was like that of a
a. a crow b. a whistling wind c.thunder d. a melodious song
27. The first monster’s beard was
a. black b. white c. grey d. brown
28. The second monster’s beard was
a. black b. white c. grey d. brown
29. The third monster’s beard was
a. black b. white c. grey d. brown
Answer the following in two or three sentences.(2 marks)
1. What did the old folk say about happiness?Ans The old folk used to say that happiness was a beautiful bird living on a snowy mountain far away in the east. Wherever the bird flew, happiness went with it. Every year people went to look for the the bird, but no one returned.
2. What did the third monster warn Wangjia ?
Ans: The third monster warned Wangjia to bring him Bhima’s eyes or he would gouge out his eye balls. He had to walk another 900 miles without eyes.
3.How was the last journey of Wangjia different from the previous one?
Ans: Wangjia’s last journey was very difficult as he was blind and had to grop his way with his hands on the ground.He crawled another 900 miles. But finally he climbed the snowy mountain and heard the voice of the Bird of Happiness.
4.”Will I ever make it?”Why did Wangjia feel so?
Ans: When Wangjia started his journey after the first monster made him walk through the vast scree for nine hundred miles his hands and feet were torn into pieces. Then he felt that he could not continue his journey.
5.What hardships did Wangjia undergo on his way to find the Bird?
Ans: Wangjia walked nine hundred miles across the scree.His feet and hands were torn into pieces. He walked without food for nine hundred miles.He was nothing but skin and bone. He crawled without eye sight for another nine hundred miles. It was his toughest journey.
6.What changes came over Wangjia as the bird of happiness caressed him? Ans: The Bird of Happiness caressed Wangjia gently with his wings and sang for him.His eye balls flew back to their sockets,and now he saw much more brightly than before.All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than ever .The Bird of Happiness offered him some dried meat and cream cake, and bore him back to his village.
7.What do you understand by happiness after reading the story’The Bird of Happiness’?
Ans: One can be happy if there are rivers, forests, flowers, fields, warmth and trees. That is the real happiness lies in the happiness ofall. Soeveryone should work for the happiness of all to be him/herself to be happy.
Extracts(3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:1) “Who goes there? he cried like a crow.””How dare you come here? What are you after?”
a) Who cried like a crow?
Ans: The first monster cried like a crow.
b)Who dared to face the speaker? Ans: Wangjia dared to face the speaker
c) What did he demand him for? Ans:He demanded wangjia to kill Luosang’s mother
2) “If you want to find the Bird of Happiness, first you must kill Lousang’s mother!”
a) Who shouted so? Ans: The first monster shouted so.
b) Why did he demand so ? Ans: He demanded wangjia to kill Luosang’s mother.
c) Did he do that task? Ans: He refused to do that task.
3)“I’ll just make you walk nine hundred miles across scree and you’ll be done for. ”
a) Who does”I” refer to ? Ans: ‘I’refers to the first monster
b) Who does ‘you’refer to? Ans: And ‘you’refers to Wangjia.
c) Why was he made to walk across the scree? Ans: Because Wangjia refused to do his he punished him by making him to walk across the scree .
4)“I love my own mother, and I’ll never kill another person’s. Do as you please”
a) Who does ‘I’and ‘you’refer to here?
Ans: ‘I’ refers to Wangjia and ‘you’ refers to The first monster.
b) Why did not he kill another ? Ans: Wangjia was a good boy with human qualities.But killing others is a monster’s quality.
c) Who does Wangjia call as another’s mother? Ans: Lusang’s mother
5)“This is tough going!” he thought to himself.”Will I ever make it? Had I better turn back now?”
a) What is the tough going here?
Ans: For wangjia it was a tough going to walk for 900 miles across scree.
b) Did he return? Ans: No ,he did not return.
c) Why did he not return? Ans: He wanted to continue his journey for the happiness of the people.
6)“If you want to see the Bird of Happiness, ”howled the monster ,”you must poison old gaffer Silong first.
a) Who howled? Ans : The second monster howled
b) Who is the ‘you’? Ans: ’You’ refers to Wangjia.
c) Why should he poison old gaffer Silong? Ans: The second monster disliked Old gaffer he demanded Wangjia to kill him.
7)“ If you dare to say no, I’ll gouge out your eyeballs at once!”.
a) Who wanted Bhima’s eye balls? Ans: The third monster wanted Bhima’s eyeballs.
b) Who was demanded to do this task? Ans: Wangjia was demanded to do this task.
c) What did the monster do? Ans : He blew through his long beard and Wangjia’s eye balls jumped out of their sockets.
8)“This must be the last ordeal,”he thought.”
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Wangjia is the speaker
b) What was the ordeal referred here? The last ordeal or suffering refers to the punishment given by the third monster to walk without eyes for 900miles.
c) Why did he walk in the direction of the sun? Ans: The third monster gave that ordeal. He walked in the direction of the sun to look for the Bird of happiness.
9)“My lovely child, have you come here for me?”.
a)Who spoke these words? Who was spoken to? Ans: The Bird of happiness spoke these words to Wangjia.
b) Why was Wangjia overwhelmed with joy? Ans: Wangjia was overwhelmed with joy as he saw the Bird of Happiness.
c) What did Wangjia ask for the bird of happiness? Ans : He asked for warmth and happiness, forests and flowers, fields and rivers.
Long answer type questions (4 Marks)
1) Narrate how wangjia faced all the hardships to find the Bird of Happiness.Ans: Wangjia first met a monster with a black beard and he asked him to kill Lousang’s mother.But he refused to do that.Then the first monster made him walk through scree for 900 miles.Wangjia feet were torn into pieces. He met the second monster with a brown beard and he demanded Wangjia to poison old gaffer silong.But Wangjia refused to obey him.So the second monster made him walk without food for 900 miles.His stomach began rumbling with hunger.When he reached the third monster he was nothing but skin and bone. Wangjia met the third monster with a white beard.He demende Wangjia to gouge Bhima’s eyes .But Wangjia refused to do that.The third monster gouged Wangjia’s eyes and this was the toughest suffering.He hhad to grop the way for 900 miles. Finally after that suffering Wangjia found the Bird of happiness on the white snowy mountain.
2) What were the changes came over Wangjia as the Bird of Happiness caressed him and granted his wishes?
Ans:The Bird of happiness caressed Wangjia with its wings and sang for him. His eyeballs flew back to their sockets, and now he saw much more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than ever. The bird of Happiness offered Wangjia some dried meat and cream cake, and bore him back to his village. They landed on the mountain top. The Bird of Happiness asked for his wishes.Wangia asked warmth,happiness,forests,flowers,fields and rivers for his people. The Bird gave three loud cries. At the first cry, thegolden sun broke through the clouds and a warm breeze came down from the sky. At the second cry, stretch upon stretch of the forest appeared all over the mountains, mountain peach and other mountain flowers bloomed together and thrushes and larks led a chorus of birdsong. At the third cry, green rivers and fields came into view and little white rabbits danced merrily on the grass.