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PLANTS AND ANIMAL TISSUES-10th Science Learning Cards



Learning Card-1

Choose the correct answer:

1. If parenchyma cells have chloroplasts, then it is called.

a) Arenchyma b) chlorenchyma c) collenchyma d) sclerenchyma

2. In phloem tissue vascular units are.

a) sieve tubes b) fibres. c) trachea d) tracheids.

3. xylem tissue transports

a) only water b) only food c) both food and water d) both water and minerals.

4. In animals, fat is stored in

a) Areolar tissue b) cartilage tissue c) adipose tissue d) reticular tissue.

5. The tissue which is called ‘skin of the plat body’ is

a) Meristamatic tissue b) Dermal tissue c) Parenchyma tissue d) Xylem tissue

Answer the following questions

1. What is Histology?

The branch of biology which deals with the study of tissues and their organization is called histology

2. Which is the growth tissue in plants?

Meristamatic tissue.

3. Which is the water conducting tissue in plants?


4. Which is the food conducting tissue in plants?


5. What is a neuron?

The structural and functional unit of nervous tissue.

6. Write the structure and function of parenchyma tissue.

Structure of parenchyma

a) Cells are thin walled any living.

b) Cells are capable of cell division

c) Cells are round, elongated, polygoral or shapeless.

Function: Helps in photosynthesis.

7. Name the four types of cells of xylem

Xylem parenchyma

Xylem fibres

Xylem vessels


8. Name the four types of cells of phloem

Phloem parenchyma

Phloem fibres

Sleve tubes

Companion cells

9. Mention the four types of animal tissues.

Epithelial tissue

Muscular Tissue

Connective Tissue

Nerve Tissue

10. Name the three types of connective tissue.

Loose connective Tissue

Dense Connective Tissue

Fluid Connective Tissue

11. Mention the function of Adipose tissue.

This tissue provides insulation against cold and protects the body like a shock absorber.

12. Name the blood constituents and write their function.

Constituents of blood function

a) Plasma: Facilitates movement of the material across the cell

b) RBC: It helps in the transport of oxygen to all cells. It brings back Co2 from cells to lungs.

c) WBC: Destroys disease causing microbes.

d) Platelets: Helps in clotting of blood.

13. Name the two types of white blood cells.

a) granular leuco cytes

b) a granular leuco cytes.




Learning Card-2

Choose the correct answer:

1. The name endothelium refers to:

a) columnar epithelium b) ciliated epithelium

c) cuboidal epithelium d) squamous epithelium

2. The structural and functional unit of nerve tissue is

a) neuron b)axon c)Dendrite d)myelin sheath.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the function of chlorenchyma?

Chloren chyma takes part in Photosynthesis.

2. What is the function of Arenchyma?

Arenchyma makes the leaves to float on water.

3. Mention the function of collenchyma.

Collenchyma gives support to Parenchyma.

4. What are companion cells? Where do you find them?

Cells closely associated with sieve tube are called companion cells. They regulate the passage of food through sieve tubes.

5. What is epiderma tissue?

The outermost covering of all parts of a plant is formed by protective tissue epidermis

6. What is squamous epithelial tissue?

When the cells are polygonal and flat, it is called squamous epithelium.

7. What are muscle fibres?

Muscular tissue is concerned with movements of the body. It is made up of elongated cells, hence they are called muscle fibres.

8. What is connective tissue?

The tissues which connect various other tissues of the body and provide support are called connective tissues.

9. Write the function of parenchyma tissue.

* It takes part in photosynthesis.

* It stores water and food.

10. Why si meristamatic tissue called growth tissue?

Meristamatic tissue is composed of cells which keep on dividing forming new cells. Hence it is called growth tissue.

11. Mention the types of simple permanent tissue

* Parenchyma

* Collenchyma

* Sclerenchyma

12. Write the structure and function of collenchyma tissue.

* Collenchyma genrally occur in Pedicel and petiole

* It contains living cells and are capable of cell division.

13. What is the feature and the use of fibre cells?

* Fibre cells have less lignin content

* They are flexible and elastic

* Fibres are found in xylem cells.

* They are used in coir industries to make gunny bags and roper.

14. Write the structure and function of epidermis.

* The outermost coverning of all parts of a plant is called epidermis

* The upper layer of this tissue has cuticle made up of wax.

* The lower part of this tissue has bean shoped cells called ‘Guard cells’

* It regulates the rate of transportation and prevents the decay of plants.

* Plants corth cuticle can controll the loss of water.

* Stomata help in exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen necessary for respiration.

15. Mention the important functions of epithelial tissue.

* An Epithelium forms a thick tough barrier and protects the underlying tissues in the skin. It also helps in maintaining a constant body temperature.

* Epithelium in sense orgains, contain receptor cells.

* The movement of materials is assisted by ciliated epithelium.

* Epithelium also helps in absorption of nutrients and in excretion.

16. What are voluntary and involuntary muscles? Give example.

The muscles that are under the control of the will are called voluntary muscles. eg: muscles of the limbs.

The muscles that are not under the control of the will are called involuntary muscles. eg: muscles of stomach, intestine and oesophagus..

17. What are trendons and ligaments?

The tissue which connects the bones to the muscles are called tendons.

The tissue which connects one bone to another is called ligament.

18. Define the following:

a)Dendrite b)Axon c)cyton d)myeline shath.

a) The short projections arising from the cell body are called dendrites.

b) The long extension of the cell body is the ‘axon’

c) The part consisting of a prominent nucleus is called cyton.

d) The axon is covered by a fatty sheath called myelin sheath.

19. How does lymph protect the body?

Lymph produces antibodies which form an essential part of immune system of the body. It contains a type of white blood cells or phagocytes which remove bacteria and foreign bodies from the tissues.

20. Write the function of reticular tissue.

Reticular tissue provides frame work for important organs such as liver, spleen, bone marrow, tonsils and mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract.

21. Where are red blood cells developed? What is their life span?

Red blood cells are developed in the bone marrow. The life span of red blood cells 100 to 120 days.

22. A student while observing the stem section of a plant under microscope saw elongated cells but fails to identify them. What are these cells?

They are vessels and tracheids




Learning Card-3

Choose the correct answer:

1. The cells of Areolar tissue that inset micro organisms are called

a) Fibro blasts b) Plasma cells c) Macro phages d) mast cells.

2. In bone tissue the lamellae are connected by fine canals called

a) Canaliculi b) lacunae c) ossein d) Volkman’s canal

3. A Student after obcerving a blood slide under a compound microscope identifies RBC and WBC based on the following observations.

a) RBC less in mumber and WBC non –nucleated

b) RBC nucleated , biconcaved WBC

c) RBC non-nucleated , larger and nucleated WBC

d) RBC non nucleated , non nucleated ameboid WBC.

Answer the following in a sentence each:

1. Write the function of Sclerenchyma.

Sclernchyma provides mechanical strenth and support to the plant.

2. What are sclereids?

Sclereids are hard cells found in groups in sclerenchyma tissue.

3. What is columnar epithelium?

Epithelium containing elongated cells is called columnar epithelium.

4. Write the structure and funtion of sclerenchyma tissue?

* Sclerenchyma is found in the hard shell of coconut and on the seed coat.

* The living cells of this tissue get deposited by ligin and lose nucleus and cytoplasm at maturity.

* It gives mechanical support and stregth.

5. Where do you find the following types of epithelial tissue? Write their function.

a) Simple cuboical epithelium : They form the lining for many ducts such as pancreatic duct, salivary duct and sweat duct. In glands it helps in secretion.

b) Simple squamous epithelium : It is found in the structures related to respiration and blood circulation like alveoli of lungs, oesophagus , blood vessels and inside the chambers of heart. It permits materials to diffuse through it.

c) Simple columnar epithelium : It is found living the alimentary canal and some glands. It permits materials to diffue through.

6. Write the difference between striped and unstriped muscles.

Striped muscles

Unstriped muscles

a) They show characteristics striations or cross bands

b) They are without striations. They are also called smooth muscles.

b) They are responsible for locomotion.

b) They are responsible for the perstatic movements of oesophagus,intestine and stomach.

7. Write the structure and function of cartilage.

* Cartilage has translusent glassy matrix called chondrin. The matrix has cells called chondrocytes.

* Cells may be present singly or in groups of two to three.

* Chondrocytes secrete the matrix.

* Matrix has both white and yellow fibres.

* Cartilage is externally surraounded by a connective tissue layer called perichardium.

* It is vascular and provides nutrients and oxygen to chondrocytes.

* It is also a source of new cartilage cells.

8. Write the structure and function of bone tissue.

* Bone tissue consists of cells embeded in a firm calcified matrix.

* The matrix chiefly consists of collagen fibres, protects and inorganic salts like calcium phosphata, chlorides of pottassium, sodium and magesium.

* The structure of the bone is designed to withstand stress and strain.

* The long strong bones of the limbs are filled with a fluid called bone marrow which consists of fat and blood vessels.

9. Name the four types of cells present in the matrix of areolas tissue and write their function.

* Fibroblasts: They are large, flat highly branched. They secrete and maintain fibers.

* Plasma cells: They are oval in shape and has small nucleus. They produce antibodies.

* Macrophages: They are amoeboid in the shape. They ingist the micro organism and hence are called phagocytes.

* Mast cells: They are large cells having spherical nucleus. They are associated with the secretion of substances like serotonin, heparin and histamine.

10. Why are sclerenchyma fibers used in the manufacture of gunny bags?

Since the fibers are flexible and elastic, they are used in the manufacture of giving bags.

11. A student after seeing the floating of lotus leaf on water gets confused. How do you help him to get rid of his confusion?

The leaves of lotus plant have cells loosely arranged and air is present in intercellular spaces and called arechyma.

12. Diabetic people feel chiller than a normal healthy individual. Live scientific reason.

Both fats and carbohydrates are discharged out through urine in diabetic people. This makes the adipose tissue to be dis appropriate in functioning.

13. Write the function of reticular tissue.

Reticular tissue provides frame work for important organs such as liver, spleen, bone marrow, tonsils and mucus membrane.

It provides frame work to respiratory tract and alimentary canal.

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