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The Tiger and the Deer - Class 10th Third Language English Textbook Solutions

 The Tiger and the Deer 

I.) Comprehension questions:

A.) Answer the following questions:

1.  What does the poet compare ‘ The Tiger and the deer’ to in this poem.

Answer: The poet compares ‘The Tiger and the deer’ to the mild harmless beauty and the strong cruel
beauty in nature.

2.) How does the tiger attack its prey?
Answer: The tiger attacks its prey crouching, slouching and creeping through the bushes.

3.) What does the tiger stand for in this poem?
Answer: The tiger stands for the strong cruel beauty in this poem.

4.) According to the poet what does the deer remember at the time of death?
Answer: According to the poet, the deer remembers its mate at the time of death.

5.) Pick out the words used by the poet to describe the nature of the tiger.
Answer: Pitiless, strong, cruel, brilliant

6.) According to the poet what would happen to the mighty and weak in the future?

Answer: According to the poet, the mighty would get destroyed/ or die and the weak will survive.

B.) Dictionary work:

Sit in pairs, refer the dictionary and find out the meaning of the following words. 
Crouching       –            to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs 
Slouching        –           to move, walk in drooping manner
Grandeur         –          state of being grand/ special
Mammoth        –          extremely large
Slain                –           to kill violently
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