– Kathleen Delicato
A.) Pre-Reading Activity Many factors help a person to attain success. Complete the chart of bubbles with the factors which help you make your life meaningful.
1.) Self-confidence
2.) hard-work
3.) Self-reliance
4.) Generosity
5.) Self-satisfaction
6.) Self-discipline
7.) Contentment
D.) Comprehension
1) Answer the following questions in a sentence or two each:
1.) Self-confidence
2.) hard-work
3.) Self-reliance
4.) Generosity
5.) Self-satisfaction
6.) Self-discipline
7.) Contentment
D.) Comprehension
1) Answer the following questions in a sentence or two each:
1.) Who is the speaker in the poem?
Answer: Poet Kathleen Delicato is the speaker in the poem.
2.) Who is alone in the poem?
Answer: Poet Kathleen Delicato is alone in the poem.
3.) What does the speaker decide to do if she fails?
Answer: The speaker decide to try again if she fails.
4.) Who is the ruler of the speaker’s kingdom?
Answer: The speaker herself is the ruler of the speaker’s kingdom.
5.) How can the speaker convert her choice into a victory?
Answer: By being true to herself, and standing alone and relying on herself the speaker will convert her choice into a victory.
ii.) Answer the following questions in a paragraph each.
1) Which line of the poem do you like? Why?
Answer: “If I fail I must continue to try” is my favourite because without trying we cannot understand out capability and if we fail we can least understand our weak points and work on it for future challenges.
4.) According to the poet, what should we do to win in life?
Answer: According to poet we should learn how to stand alone to win in life.