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Guru Nanak - Class 8th Third Language English Textbook Solutions

 Guru Nanak

A.) Choose the appropriate words and phrases given in brackets and complete the following sentences . One is done for you.

Example : Buddha renounced the worldly pleasures and left home in search of truth.

1.) There was a fierce battle between Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi and the British.
2.) This property belongs to our forefathers.
3.) Not all snakes, but only some are poisonous.
4.) Sneha enjoys humourous stories.
5.) The man looked very pleased because of the dress he was wearing.

B.) Who am I ? Find the words and fill in the missing letters to get the right answer. Follow the example.

Example: I argue in the court to get justice to people- L a w y e r

1.) I entertain people in the circus.Joker
2.) I perform on stage. Artist
3.) I write novels. Novelist
4.) I till the land and grow crops. Farmer
5.) I teach in a college. Professor
C.) Complete the sentences using words given below(You may have to repeat some words).
herself, ourselves, themselves, himself, itself, myself.

Example: The children enjoyed themselves.

1.) We solved the problems ourselves. No one helped us.
2.) He himself went to the police station to give a complaint.
3.) The old lady got up herself and crossed the road slowly.
4.) The cat licked itself clean.
5.) Rohini took the trouble to finish the work all by herself.


A.) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each.

1.) Where was Guru Nanak born?

Answer: Guru Nanak was born in a village Talavandi near Lahore.

2.) How was Nanak different from the other children?

Answer: Nanak was different from the other children because he used to always think about the God unlike other children who would play with their friends.

3.) Why did his father find a wife for him?

Answer: Nanak’s father knew that his child was different from others. He wanted his son to change. He found a wife for him thinking that he would change.

4.) What did Nanak do with the money that his father gave him?

Answer: Nanak’s father gave him some money and asked him to buy some good and sell them and get good profit. Nanak saw some sanyasis who had not eaten anything for many days. Nanak felt pity about them and gave the money which his father gave, to the sanyasis so that they could eat.

5). Where did Nanak’s father send him?
Answer: Nanak’s father sent him away to his sister Nanaki who was living with her husband at Sultanpur in Punjab.

6.) What was Nanak’s routine after Mardana joined him?

Answer: Maradan was a Muslim servant at Nanak’s home. He was a good singer. Maradan and Nanak used to sing hymns together every morning.

7.) What were the daily prayers of people after Nanak came to their town?

Answer: Nanak used to write songs in praise of God. He put all his ideas in his poetry. His Songs of God became very popular. Nanak’s songs of God were the daily prayers of people after Nanak came to their town.

B.) Describe the incident that happened at Haridwar.

The following sentences are not in right order. Arrange them in a sequential order and write a paragraph.

Right sequence At Haridwar, Nanak saw large crowd of people bathing in river Ganges.
Some of them were pouring water towards the sun.
They were offering water to their forefathers.
Nanak explained to them that we can honour our forefathers through our good actions.

C.) Match the words given in A with the words given in B list.

1.) Bala                                     c. a peasant
2.) Mardana                              a. a singer
3.) Mehta Kalu                        d. Nanak’s father
4.) Nanak                                f. the first guru of Sikhs
5.) Nanaki                               b. Nanak’s sister


Now use the following words and make as many compound words as possible. (Work in groups)

Pen                  –           ink-pen, pen-stand
moon               –           moon-light, moonwalk, moon-blind, moonstone, moonbeam
man                 –           mankind, manpower, manhole, manmade
book                –           notebook, handbook, textbook, bookshop, book-stand
sun                   –           sunburn, sunbath, sunbeam, sunlight, sunlit, sunscreen, sunshine
steam               –           steamboat, steamroll, steamship,
machine           –           washing- machine, sewing machine,
head                –           headphone, headache, headband, headman, headquarters, headmaster
house               –           farmhouse, doghouse, houseboy, houseboat, household, housewife

B.) Fill in the blanks using ‘must’ or ‘mustn’t’ suitably (One is done for you).

1.) You mustn’t play in the sun. You will feel sick.
2.) You must eat fresh fruits. It is good for health.
3.) You mustn’t make noice the library
4.) You mustn’t be late for school
5.) You must read this book, if it is very interesting
6.) Leela must apologize to her parents ; she was rude with them.


There are some sentences in the box. Arrange them in order to make a story.

A kitten climbed up a tree. It could not climb down. It was crying meow meow. Anju saw this. She wanted to help the kitten. She took a bag and a ladder. Then she climbed up the ladder with the bag in her hand. Carefully she put the kitten in the bag and climbed down. She took the kitten home and gave milk to it. The kitten looked very happy. It jumped and turned round and round.
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