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UPAGUPTA- Class 9th Second Language English Textbook Solutions



I. Four alternatives are given. Choose the best alternative: -

1) Who was Vasavadatta………….?

A] Ascetic B] Monk C] Dancing girl D] Buddhist

2) Dancing girl was wearing a pale …….. Mantle.
A] Red B] Blue C] Brown D] Black

3) Upagupta was the disciple of ………
A] Krishna B] Brahama C] Buddha D] Ganesha

4) Dancing girl was living in the city of ……….
A] Mathura B] Ayodhya C] Varanasi D] None of these

5) Upagupta lay asleep in the city wall of Mathura in the month of ……..
A] April B] August C] January D] October

6) The word which gives meaning similar to the dark gloomy sky in the poem is……
A] The murky sky B] corner of sky C] dark sky D] base of rampart

7) Dancing sky trembled in the fear of ………
A] dark night B] murky sky C] small pox D] unknown danger

8) Dancing girl was lying in the shadow of the ………
A] Rampart B] Mango groove C] Coconut grove D] Guava grove

9) The dancing girl was stuck with……...
A] Small pores B] Black pestilence C] sandal balm D] Spots

10) Upagupta was an young ………..
A] Teacher B] King C] ascetic D] Singer

11) Vasavadatta was proud of her ………

A] Wisdom B] Kindness C] Beauty D] Selflessness

12) Vasavadatta’s feet were ………. with anklets.
A] Shinning B] Tinkling C] Starred D] charming

13) The ……… growled from the corner of the sky
A] Flash B] Lightning C] Storm D] Black light

II. Answer the following questions:-

1. Describe the city of Mathura when Upagupta was sleeping in the dusty mud?

Ans.: Upagupta was sleeping in dust in the city of Mathura lamps were all out, doors were all
shut and stars were all hidden by the Murky sky of August. .

2. Why was the dancing girl lying in the shade of the mango tree?
Ans.: The dancing girl was driven away from the town as she had struck with small pox all over
her body. So, the dancing girl lying in the shadow of the mango tree.

3. What made the dancing girl to say Merciful one?
Ans.: The dancing girl was driven away from the town as she had the sores of small pox all over
her body. Upagupta saw the dancing girl lying on the ground under the tree. He moistened her
lips with water and smeared her body with Sandal Balm. This made the dancing girl to say
Merciful one.

4. Why did Dancing girl ask forgiveness from Upagupta?
Ans.: Upagupta was sleeping in the dust by the city wall of Mathura. The dancing girl was
walking in the dark night; she was drunk with the wine. She stumbles over the body of Upagupta,
so, she asks forgiveness from the Upagupta.

5. Describe the scene, which shows that ‘Upagupta was a kind man’?

Ans.: Upagupta finds a dancing girl lying down the tree having sores of small – poxes on her
body. Upagupta moistened her lips and smeared her body with Sandal Balm. This shows that
Upagupta was a kind man.

6. Who was Upagupta? Where was he sleeping?
Ans.: Upagupta was a disciple of Buddha. He was lay asleep in the dust by the city wall of

7. How was the dancing girl described in the poem?
Ans.: Dancing girl was starred with jewels. She was wearing a pale blue mantle. Her fett was
tinkling with anklets. She was drunk with the wine of her youth. Thus the dancing girl described
in the poem.

8. Why did dancing girl tremble in fear?
Ans.: Because, the black night showed its teeth, suddenly in a flash of lightning. The storm
growled from the corner of the sky. Therefore, the dancing girl trembled in fear of some
unknown danger.

9. How was the spring season described in the poem?
Ans.: The branches of the wayside tree were full of blossom gay notes of a flute came floating in
the warm spring air from afar.

10. Why was the dancing girl removed from the town?
Ans.: Because the dancing girl was struck with the black pestilence, her body spotted with sores
of small pox. She was hurriedly removed from the town to avoid her poisonous contagion.

III Read each of the following extracts and answer the questions given below:

1. “The time, at last, has come to visit you”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: Upagupta girl said this.

b. Who do ‘You’ refer to? Where was she at that time?
Ans.: ‘You’ refers to Vasavadatta. She was removed from the town. She was lying at Upagupta’s
feet in the shadow of the Mango grove.

2. “The dusty earth is not fit bed for you”

a. Whom does ‘You’ refer?
Ans.: ‘You’ refers to Upagupta.

b. Who said this? How did Upagupta answered to this?
Ans.: Vasavadatta said this. Upagupta said to Vasavadatta ‘Woman go on your way’

3. “When the time is ripe I will come to you”

a. Whom does ‘I’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘I’ refers to Upagupta.

b. Why did he say this?
Ans.: Because Vasavadatta said, the dusty earth is not fit bed for you and she graciously called
Upagupta to her house.

4. “Who are you, Merciful one?”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: Vasavadatta said this.

b. What made her to say this?
Ans.: Upagupta sat y her side, took her head on his knee, moistened her lips with water, and
smeared her body with Sandal Balm.

5. “Forgive me, young ascetic, graciously come to my house”

a. Who does ‘Me’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘Me’ refers to Dancing girl.

b. Why did she ask ‘Forgive me’?
Ans.: Because in the Dark night dancing girl stumbled over the body of Upagupta. Therefore,
dancing girl asks forgiveness and invites Upagupta to her house.
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