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Two Gentlemen of Verona - 1st PUC English Textbook Solutions

Two Gentlemen of Verona

Two Gentlemen of Verona Summary

Two best friends, Proteus and Valentine, travel to Milan where they both fall in love with Silvia. Silvia loves Valentine, but Proteus pursues her despite the fact he has a girlfriend at home. After an apology, Proteus and Valentine reconcile, Proteus loves his girlfriend again, and both couples marry.

More detail: 2 minute read

Act I
Young friends Valentine and Proteus say farewell to one another as Valentine resolves to travel. Proteus will not leave Verona, where his beloved Julia lives. Meanwhile, Julia's maid, Lucetta, gives her a letter from Proteus. Julia treasures it despite her outward show of carelessness for the love it conveys.

They do not love that do not show their love

Act II
Later, Antonio, Proteus's father, sends his son to Milan, much to the sorrow of Julia. Proteus and Julia part with words of love to one another. Proteus is joined by Lance, his servant, and Lance's dog Crabb. While at the Duke's court, Proteus finds that Valentine has fallen in love with Silvia, daughter of the Duke. Speed, Valentine's quick-witted page, helps Valentine realise that his love is reciprocated. Proteus, who had earnestly exchanged rings and vows of faithfulness with Julia before leaving Verona, sees Silvia and immediately changes his allegiance.

The musician plays a mandolin, with a small crowd behind him while the young lover rests his left elbow on a balustrade and his chin in his left hand, and stares longingly at the pillars of the doorway to the house."The musician sings in The Two Gentlemen of Verona", Two Gentlemen of Verona, Gilbert, 1865

As the Duke plans for the foolish Thurio to marry Silvia, Valentine decides to elope with her. However, the jealous Proteus reveals Valentine's plot to the Duke, and Valentine is discovered while carrying a rope ladder. Valentine is banished for his scheming and leaves the court with Speed as his companion. In his absence, Proteus woos Silvia, but she scorns his speeches and music, urging him to remember Julia. In contrast with all this courtly love, Lance considers the virtues and vices of the milkmaid he wishes to marry.

At first I did adore a twinkling star But now I worship a celestial sun

Act IV

In Verona, Lucetta has helped Julia to get a disguise as a pageboy. She calls herself Sebastian to find Proteus. Unrecognised in Milan, she does indeed find Proteus, and he sends her to collect a portrait promised by Silvia. Silvia, meanwhile, remains devoted to her memory of Valentine. Silvia persuades Sir Eglamour, a knight, to accompany her in a search of Valentine in Mantua.

Julia in a modern dress sits on a chaise longue looking unhappy. Behind to her left Proteus in a suit (but not wearing a jacket) is twisting a ring on his finger. Behind Julia on the other side stands her maid, dressed in black with a white apron.Two Gentlemen of Verona, RSC, 2004

Act V
The banished Valentine is captured by a band of noble outlaws who make him their captain. Silvia is also captured by the outlaws while Sir Eglamour escapes. The Duke and Thurio take Proteus (followed by Julia/Sebastian) in pursuit of Silvia. When they find her with the outlaws, Proteus rescues her. Despite Silvia's protests, Proteus attempts to force himself on her, but Valentine stops him, as leader of the outlaws.

Julia overhears the young men's argument and their eventual reconciliation. Mistaking Valentine's apparent wish to give Silvia to Proteus, Julia faints in front of them. Proteus recognises the ring she carries as the one he gave to Julia. She reveals her identity, and Proteus's love for Julia is revived. The outlaws arrive with their captives, the Duke and Thurio. Thurio denies Silvia in response to threats from Valentine. Valentine's attachment to Silvia is rewarded by the Duke's approval. The two pairs of lovers agree to share a wedding day. The play ends as the Duke gives a free pardon to the outlaws at Valentine's request.

Question And Answers

1. Where did the author meet the two boys ?

Ans. On the outskirts of Verona .

2. Who tries to stop the author from buying fruits from the boys?

Ans. Luigi, his driver .

3. What did the driver tell about the fruits?

Ans. The driver told to the narrator that " You will get fruit much better in Verona " .

4. What did the narrator buy from the boys ?

Ans. The narrator bought the baskets of berries .

5. Who was younger between Nicola and Jacopo?

Ans. Jacopa .

6. Who was elder between Nicola and Jacopo?

Ans. Nicola .

7. What were the boys doing in the public square?
Ans. The two boys were doing a brisk business in the public square .

8. What was one of the jobs done by the two boys to earn money?

Ans. The two boys were selling wild berries ./ They polished shoes . /  They hawked newspapers . / They took the tourists round to the town Verona to earn money .

9. How old was Jacopo?
Ans. Twelve years old .

10. Who was the elder brother?
Ans: - Nicola  

11. How old was Nicola?

Ans: - Thirteen years.  

12. How old was Jacopo?
Ans: - Nearly twelve years.  

13. Who have reputed to live in Verona city?
Ans: - Romeo and Juliet.  

14. Why was Verona lost its bridges?
Ans: - Because it was bombed in the recent wars.  

15. Mention one of the things the boys used to do to earn money.

Ans: - Sold fruits/hawked newspapers/shined shoes/conducted tourists round the town/ran errands for tourists.  

16. What was the surprising fact that strike one about the two boys?

 Ans: - Their unremitting willing ness to work.  

17. What qualities in the two boys attracted the narrator?

Ans: - The boys' remitting willingness to work, their friendliness, cheerfulness & their seriousness attracted the narrator.  

18. Why Nicola's face drawn by fatigue?

Ans: - A bundle of unsold newspaper lay at his feet.

19. Why were boys waiting for the last bus?
Ans: - To sell the unsold newspapers.  

20. What kind of meal do the 2 boys usually have?
Ans: - Black bread and figs.  

21. Where do the boys make a visit on every Sunday?
Ans: - To Poleta.  

22. How far is Poleta from Verona city?
Ans: - It is 30 kms.  

23. How would they usually go to Poleta?

Ans: - By hiring bicycles.  

24. Why was Nicola not pleased when Jacopo asked the narrator to drive them to Poleta?
Ans: - He did not want to ask any one for favours.  

25. Why did the boys go to Poleta every Sunday?

Ans: - To meet their sister  

26. Why did they want the narrator not to follow them?

Ans: - They did not want the narrator to know their problems.  

27. Name the sister of the two boys.

Ans: - Lucia.  

28. Why was the boy's sister in Poleta?

Ans: - She was undergoing treatment.  

29. Who/Whom did the narrator see, as he reached the villa?

Ans: - A trained nurse.  

30. Why did the narrator not follow the boys?

Ans: - To respect their privacy

31. How old was Lucia?

Ans: - About 20 years  

32. What was their father?

Ans: - A well-known singer at La Scala.  

33. What had the boys and their sister known always?

Ans: - A comfortable & cultured life.  

34. What had made the 2 boys & their sister homeless?

Ans: - A bomb explosion.  

35. How had the three suffered after their father's death?

Ans: - They had suffered horribly from near starvation & exposure to the cold Veronese winter.  

36. Who established headquarters in Verona?

Ans: - The German Elite Guard.  

37. How long did they rule the city?
Ans: - For 3 years.  

38. How did they rule the city?

Ans: - With ruthless severity  

39. Why were the brothers made immensely valuable?

Ans: - Their youth, insignificant size, intimate knowledge of the neighboring village made them immensely valuable.  

40. Why were the two boys used in the resistance movement?
Ans: - To carry messages to the forces of Liberation.  

41. How did the boys carry letters to the force of Liberation?
Ans: - By keeping letters in their shoes.  

42. How did Lucia contract the disease?

Ans: - During the miseries.  

43. How long had she been in the hospital?
Ans: - For the past twelve months.  

44. What did the boys persuade the hospital authorities?
Ans: - To take Lucia into the hospital.  

45. What are the boys hoping to see their sister?

Ans: - Good progress, she will walk and sing again.  

46. What has not broken the spirit of the boys?
Ans: - War.  

47. How had the boys accepted the problems?
Ans: - With dignity and courage.  

48. What have the selfless action of the boys brought?

Ans: - A new mobility to human life, gave promise of a greater hope for human society.  

Comprehension: II  

1.    'Appearance are deceptive.' How does the story bring out this idea?

Ans: - When Luigi, the driver of the narrator's car, asked him not to buy fruit from the boys. He had implied that the two boys, might be thieves selling the fruit they had stolen. This suspicion proved to be totally false as in the coming days/The narrator saw that the boys did all kinds of odd jobs and never spent the money they earned on themselves. As the narrator comes to know later, the children had led a comfortable cultured life before the death of their father. They were always cheerful and friendly, yet they were doing all this for the sake of their sister who was sick & in hospital. Though they spoke in a lively manner, they never talked about their problems.  

2.    "War may destroy one's home, but not one's heart. --- Discuss.

Ans: - Nicola & Jacopo's father was killed in the early part of the war. A bomb destroyed their home & they become homeless. Till then they had a very comfortable life. The 2 boys & their sister Lucia had suffered horribly from starvation & cold winter for months. They shelter with their own hands amidst the rubble. There the German Elite guard established headquarters and ruled Verona city mercilessly for 3 years. The boys hated the unwanted masters of the German & joined the resistance movement. Then the boys were used to keep letters in their shoes, go through the mountain in the darkness by risking their lives. When the war was over, they come back to their sister & found her suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They persuaded the hospital people to admit her. They were very eager to see their sister able to walk one day.  

Comprehension: III  

1.    Two gentlemen of Verona" is telling comment on the character of gentlemen -Elaborate.

Ans: - Nicola and Jacopo were truly the gentlemen of Verona. They were very refined and sensitive in character. The tests in their lives began after their father's death and the destruction of their home in the bomb blast. The 3 children built a shelter and lived there. When Verona was occupied by the Germans, the 2 boys joined the resistance & acted as messengers. They moved around at night through mountain passes carrying messages in their shoes. Their sister Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine & was hospitalized for treatment. The boys were devoted to her & in order to earn money for her treatment, they undertook all kinds of jobs available in Verona. They sold fruit, shined shoes ran errands & hawked newspapers throughout the day. This shows that they did not consider any job below their dignity. They were selfless because they earnestly saved money. They earned in order to pay the hospital.  They never spent on clothes or on good food. They were very proud boys. Even when the narrator took them to the hospital, they went in by themselves & did not speak about their sister. The boys prove to be gentlemen & gain respect from the narrator. They arouse feelings of love & respect in the nurse of the hospital too.    

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