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THE BROKEN GATE - Class 8 First Language English Textbook Solutions

(Enid Blyton- “Funtime Tales”)
I.) Comprehension :

A.) Answer in two/three sentences each:
1.) Why did the old man Twinkle need a boy?
Answer: The old man twinkle needed a boy to help him in his shop and drive Jenny, the pony with cart.
2.) When did all the boys go to Mr. Twinkle and what did Mr. Twinkle say?
Answer: All the boys go to Mr. Twinkle at evening and Mr. Twinkle was busy so he told them to play in the yard till he calls them.
3.) What did all the boys do in front of the house?
Answer: The boys saw an enormous yard-gate swinging to and fro in the wind so they climbed up on the gate and make it gallop.
4.) What did all the boys decide to tell the old man if he asked about the broken gate?
Answer: The boys decided not to say a word if the old man asks about the broken gate.
5.) Why didn’t Jack go back home with the other boys?
Answer: Jack was worried about the broken gate and feeling guilty hence he decided to stop and wondered if he could mend it.
6.) How did the gate break down according to Jack?
Answer: Jack didn’t wanted to tell other’s name so he said that he was swinging on the gate when it broke.
7.) Jack stared in surprise. What made Jack stare at Mr. Twinkle in surprise?
Answer: When Mr.Twinkle asked Jack about other boys then Jack said that those boys are his friends and he don’t want to put them in trouble then Mr. Twinkle said Jack that he knows who those boys were. Mr. Twinkle said those boys were Harry, Peter, George and Henry. After listening this Jack surprised and stared at Mr. Twinkle.
8.) Who was finally chosen to help the old man Twinkle ? Why?
Answer: Finally, Jack is chosen to help the old man Twinkle because Jack was brave enough to own up when things go wrong and speak the truth. Mr. Twinkle wanted a loyal boy and Jack was loyal.
9.) What is Jack doing now?
Answer: Jack is not head of the shop and doing very well.
B.) Answer in five/six sentences each:
1.) How did the boys break the gate?
Answer: The boys saw that the yard-gate was swinging to and fro in the wind hence all five boys climbed up on the gate, whip the gate and started galloping. The gate swung to and fro and the boys shouted with joy. But the gate was old and unable to carry the weight of five boys hence it broke away at the hinges.
2.) Why did Jack think they ought to tell about the broken gate to the old man Twinkle?
Answer: Jack and his friends were playing on the old gate. The gate broke because of the Jack and his friends otherwise the gate was good. Jack felt guilty after the gate broke and also told his friends that his mother says that we always ought to own up at once when anything’s broken. Therefore, the jack thought that they ought to tell about the broken gate to the old man Twinkle.
3.) What qualities of Jack do you like the most ?
Answer: Jack was loyal and brave, Jack honestly admitted that the gate is broken because he was playing on it with his friends. After the interview was over everyone went back but Jack went back to the gate and tried to repair it. I like loyalty, bravery and honesty of Jake.
4.) How would Jack overcome his weakness according to Mr. Twinkle?
Answer: According to Mr. Twinkle Jack is small but he will grow if Mrs. Twinkle makes pudding for him every night. And good food will make Jake’s brain grow too. Jake was bit ragged but little pocket-money will buy him better clothes.
5.) What made Mr. Twinkle choose Jack for the job?
Answer: Mr. Twinkle choose Jack for the job because he was brave enough to own up when things go wrong and Mr. Twinkle wanted a boy who can speak the truth and stay loyal. Jack was proven the loyalty by staying loyal to his friends and not revelling their names hence Mr. Twinkle choose Jack for the job.
C.) Answer in ten/fifteen sentences each:

1.) How did Jack win the heart of Mr. Twinkle?
Answer: Jack was playing on the gate with his friends until Mr. Twinkle call them for interview. And while playing on the gate the gate broke at hinges. All the friend decided to pretend that they know nothing about the gate but Jack felt guilty. After the interview everyone went to home but he went to backyard to see if he could mend it.Old man Twinkle enquired that what is he doing in backyard and does he know anything about the broken gate. When Jack admitted that the get is broken by him and his friends then Mr. Twinkle asked name of his friends, Jack was loyal to his friends so he didn’t reveal his friends name then Mr. Twinkle said those friends were Harry, Peter, George and Henry. Mr. Twinkle is impressed with the quality of telling truth ad admitting mistake and being loyal, Mr. Twinkle was looking for boy like this. Thus, Jack won heart of Mr. Twinkle
2.) How did a helper boy become an owner of the shop?
Answer: Mr. Twinkle was looking for a loyal, brave and honest boy. The boy should be responsible to manage activities of Mr. Twinkle’s business. Mr. Twinkle found those qualities in Jack. Jack worked honestly and become a very good and trustworthy employee. Jack was sincere and Mr. Twinkle liked it and by the time Jack become the owner of the shop.
II.) Activities :

1.) “Honesty is the best policy.” Write a paragraph on this topic.
Answer: “Honesty is the best policy” because if the person is honest then it no need to lie which means there is no burden of lie in our memory, which makes life stressless. Being honest improves relationships between people and it also build trust. Honest people are also brave to tell the truth and also accept the situation which help to find solution to solve the problem.
2.) Your teacher will read aloud a story “The Angel and the Wood cutter.” Listen carefully and re-write it in the form of dialogues.
Begin the story like this:
Once upon a time there was an honest wood cutter. One day while he was cutting a branch of a tree, his axe fell into the river. When he cried out, an angel appeared:
Angel : “Why are you crying?”
Wood cutter: “My axe fall into the river, I need to collect some more wood to sell, what will I do now”
The Angel went down into the stream and reappeared with a golden axe.
Angel : “Is this your axe?”
Wood cutter: “No, this is not my axe”
The Angel went down into the stream and reappeared with a silver axe.
Angel : “Is this your axe?”
Wood cutter: “No, this is not my axe”
The Angel went down into the stream and reappeared with a iron axe.
Wood cutter: “Yes, this is my axe, thank you”
Angel : “I liked your honesty, keep all these axes”
Wood cutter: “Thank you!”
Complete the story.
Dear Student, I appreciate your efforts and hard work that you all had put in. Thank you for being concerned with us and I wish you for your continued success.

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