The Boy Who Sold Wisdom
I.) Comprehension Exercises
A.) Re-order the following jumbled sentences in the right sequence as they occur in the text:
1.) Gupta was unhappy after the incident because his son would have to feign madness always, or else the king would find out.
2.) The minister and one of the queens planned to kill the king.
3.) According to Nagendra’s advice, Babu went to the king and told him the whole story.
4.) Nagendra advised Babu to pretend madness.
5.) The king sent for Nagendra.
6.) The king bought the wisdom, “Think deeply before doing anything,” from Nagendra.
7.) The king ordered that the queen should be hanged.
8.) He engraved it on his cups and plates so that he wouldn’t forget it.
4.) Nagendra advised Babu to pretend madness.
1.) Gupta was unhappy after the incident because his son would have to feign madness always, or else the king would find out.
3.) According to Nagendra’s advice, Babu went to the king and told him the whole story.
5.) The king sent for Nagendra.
6.) The king bought the wisdom, “Think deeply before doing anything,” from Nagendra.
8.) He engraved it on his cups and plates so that he wouldn’t forget it.
2.) The minister and one of the queens planned to kill the king.
7.) The king ordered that the queen should be hanged.
B.) Complete the following sentences:
1.) Nagendra’s brilliant idea was to set up smallest and cheapest shop and sell wisdom.
2.) He sold wisdom
3.) Wisdom was bought by rich merchant’s son, Babu.
4.) Babu’s father was angry with him because he wasted a nickel in buying nonsense written on paper.
5.) Nagendra reacted to the fury of Gupta bytelling Gupta that he is returned only paper not the wisdom.
6.) He returned the money after making Gupta sign a document which stated that Gupta’s son will never use his advice and he will always stand and watch people fighting.
7.) Babu got into a problem for the second time when he witnessed fight of two queen’s maid.
8.) The dispute between the two maids was over a pumpkin.
C.) Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each:
1.) Why did Nagendra open a shop?
Answer: Nagendra was orphan and he was jobless. He need to do something for living so he open a shop.
2.) Why is the merchant’s son called a stupid boy?
Answer: The merchant’s son didn’t know what is being sold at the shop. He thought it is vegetable or something like that. He asked Nagendra to give him wisdom worth a nickel.
3.) What did Nagendra sell for a nickel?
Answer: Nagendra sold an advice of wisdom for a nickel and the advice was written on the paper, ‘It was not wise to stand and watch to people fighting’
4.) Why was Babu’s father angry?
Answer: Babu’s father angry because Babu bought a nonsense advice written on the paper by paying a nickel.
5.) How did Nagendra make Gupta realize the value of wisdom?
Answer: When Gupta came to Nagendra to get back the nickel then Nagendra ask him to return his wisdom and asked Gupta to sign a document that stated his son would never use the advice and would stand and watch when people will fight, then Nagendra return the Nickel.
6.) Why did the two maids quarrel?
Answer: The two maids quarrel over the pumpkin.
7.) Why did Babu and his father go to Nagendra twice?
Answer: Babu witnessed the maids quarrelling over pumpkin in the market and when the maid went to the queens and queens went to the king and the king ask to call witness otherwise his head would be chopped off. To find the solution of this problem Babu and his father go to the Nagendra.
8.) Why was Babu very happy?
Answer: When the king called the witness and the minister asked questions to Babu, Babu didn’t answer any of them. He babbled and uttered nonsensical syllables till the king lose his patience and throw them out of the courtroom, hence the Babu was happy.
9.) What is the meaning of the expression, “Think deeply before you do anything”?
Answer: “Think deeply before you do anything” means think about problem until you are confident about solution and decision you are going to take.
10.) Why did the king make Nagendra his minister?
Answer: Due to advice of Nagendra the king was alive hence the King made Nagendra his minister.
D.) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1.) “Think deeply before you do anything.”
a.) Who was asked to think deeply?
Answer: To the king asked to think deeply.
b.) Who gave this piece of wisdom and why?
Answer: Nagendra gave this piece of wisdom when the king asked him advice.
c.) How did this piece of wisdom help the receiver?
Answer: The advice of Nagendra saved the life of the king.
2.) “I do not sell wisdom by weight. I sell it by quality.”
a.) Who said this?
Answer: Nagendra said this.
b.) To whom was this said?
Answer: It is said to rich merchant’s son Babu.
c.) When was this said?
Answer: This was said when Babu foolishly asked Nagendra cost of one kilogram wisdom.
d.) What does it mean?
Answer: It means the wisdom cannot weighed; it is valued.
III.) Let’s work with words:
Write the meanings of the following words with the help of a dictionary and use them in sentences to bring out their meaning.
Furious – extreme angry
He was furious when he entered in the room.
Wisdom – accumulated knowledge or enlightenment
Listen his words of wisdom.
Persuade – convince, cause somebody to adopt a certain position
It wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing.
Feign – make believe with the intent to deceive
He feigned that he was ill
Errands – a short trip for important task, mission
She asked John to run an errand for her.
Contract – written agreement
They contracted two new pitchers for the next season.
Document – writing that provides information
The parents documented every step of their child’s development.
Bargain – an advantageous purchase
She got a bargain at the auction.
Witness – watch
She witnessed the accident.
Ruse – an action intended to deceive someone or a trick
Jessi tried to think of a ruse to get Stacy out of the house.
IV.) Let’s use Language:
A.) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right options:
1.) His brilliance brought honour. (brilliantly, brilliance)
2.) Wisepeople solve problems. (wise, wisdom)
3.) Though he was clever, he was without a job. (in spite of, though)
4.) There was no dearth of sympathy from the people when they heard of the cruel murder. (death, dearth)
5.) The paucity of funds made them abandon the project. (paucity, pause)
B.) Use “since” or “for” with the following time expressions:
1.) The film has been on at the theatres since July.
2.) She has been on holiday for the last three weeks.
3.) She hasn’t been here for a month.
4.) No one has lived here since1989.
5.) It’s the first time I have been here since the accident.
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