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MY BEGINNINGS - Class 9th Second Language English Textbook Solutions



I. Four alternatives are given. Choose the best alternative: -

1) Our Beginnings never know our ……..
A] Ends
B] Success C] Journey D] Failure

2) Kapil Dev was born on ……….
A] 6th Jan, 1958 B] 6th Jan 1959 C] 6th Jan, 1957 D] 6th Jan, 1956

3) Kapil Dev grew up among ………. other brothers and sisters.
A] Five B] Seven C] Six D] Four

4) Kapil Dev’s mother was a ………… woman.
A] Simple
B] Ordinary C] Poor D] Old and weak

5) The name of Kapil’s autobiography is ………..
A] My Experience B] Straight from the heart C] A Long Journey D] My Biography

6) ………. has been kind to Kapil Dev.
A] Mother B] God C] Neighboring lady D] Father

7) Kapil Dev was fairly good at………..
A] Basketball B] Hockey C] Cricket D] Athletics
8) Kapil dreamed of becoming a ………
A] Cricketer B] Footballer C] Basket baler D] Tennis player

9) Kapil is always grateful for his…………
A] Coach B] Friends C] Mother D] Father

10) The neighboring lady took great ………. In papaya and pomegranates.
A] Care B] Honour C] Pride D] Respect

11) Kapil was born into a ………… family

A] Small family B] Large family C] Poor family D] Rich family

12) Kapil came to know about his death of birth from his ………..
A] Mother B] Father C] Cousin D] Sister

13) The police horses became Kapil’s ………..
A] Friend B] Favorite animal C] Pet D] None of these

14) Kapil decided to take the horse home and house him in his ………
A] Home B] Green areas C] Grazing fields D] Back Garden

II. Answer the following questions:-

1. Where and when did Kapil Dev born?

Ans.: Kapil Dev was born on 6th January, 1959 on a cold winter morning in Chandigarh a small
town nestling in the foothills of the Himalayas.

2. What did Kapil’s mother always regales him with?
Ans.: Kapil’s mother always regales him with tales of his naughty behavior. She claims that she
never managed to control him.

3. What were the dreams of Kapil Dev? Were these dreams come true?
Ans.: Kapil’s ambition was to travel all around the world and drive a ‘Mercedes Benz’. God has
to been kind to him and his both dreams had been fulfilled. However, at that time, twenty – five
years ago these dreams seemed liked castles in the air.

4. What do you mean by ‘Castles in the air’? Why does Kapil Dev uses these words?
Ans.: ‘Castles of air’ means the Hope we have are unlikely ever to become real. Twenty-five
years ago. Kapil dreams of traveling around the world and driving ‘Mercedes Benz’ these
dreams seemed like castle in the air.

5. How did Kapil Dev spent his Childhood?
Ans.: Kapil Dev spent his childhood like all other children around him. By trying to bunk school
and save up enough money to go to a new movie or have a plate of chicken chowmein with his
friends. If they were bored, they would amuse themselves by breaking the fruits of Kapil’s
neighboring tree.

6. How did Kapil spent most of his time in his childhood days?
Ans.: In the childhood days, most of Kapil and his friend’s time were spent in planning how to
get into the neighboring woman’s garden and pick the fruits off the tree.

7. What made Kapil to discover Rash that Papaya sap can cause?
Ans.: One day, Kapil and his friends climbed over the wall and were perched on the tree in the
garden of neighbouring lady. When the woman walked out with some guests. She was
entertaining them for tea party right under the papaya tree. There were two of his friends on the
other side of the wall and Kapil on the tree. The two fortunate ones who had been outside ran
away but he and his friend had to sit still for nearly two hours until the tea party ended. This
made Kapil to discover the rash that papaya sap can cause.

8. What are the naughty things done by Kapil Dev?
Ans.: Kapil Dev was very naughty in his childhood days he and his friends used to pluck the
fruits from the neighbouring lady’s garden and one more really naughty thing done by Kapil Dev
was riding the police horse that were left in the huge open green areas to graze.

9. What were the games offered in a small local school?
Ans.: In small local school, they had few cricketing facilities. The games they offered at that
time were basketball, football, table tennis, and hickey. Because all these games require a ball, a
couple of sticks and a net.

10. On which game Kapil worked hard? Why did he switch from one game to other?

Ans.: Kapil dreamed of becoming a foot baler, he worked hard at that game, and he was selected
to play for his school. Fortunately, all his friends were interested in and played cricket and they
convinced him to change his game. So Kapil switched from football to cricket.

III Read each of the following extracts and answer the questions given below:

1. “Our beginnings never know our ends”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: Kapil Dev said this.

b. Why did he say so? Where does his life begin?
Ans.: By looking back at his life, Kapil Dev has concluded that ‘Our beginnings never know our
ends’. For him it all started in Chandigarh, a small town nestling in the foothills of the Himalayas.

2. “I found it hard to sit still”

a. Whom does ‘I’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘I’ refers to Kapil Dev.

b. Why did he found hard to sit still?
Ans.: Because Kapil Dev was very naughty. His mother has never managed to control him. He was very
curious and he had ambition to travel all around the world. So he said found hard to sit still.

3. “These dreams seemed like castles in the air”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: Kapil Dev said this.

b. What are the dreams seems like ‘castle in the air’?
Ans.: Kapil Dev had the Ambition to travel around the world and drive a ‘Mercedes Benz’. His
both wishes have been fulfilled. However, twenty – five years age these drams seemed like
castles in the air.

4. “The rash that Papaya sap can cause”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: Kapil Dev said this.

b. What made him to discover rash?
Ans.: Kapil and his friends climbed the papaya tree in the garden of his neighbouring house. The
woman was entertaining the guests with tea party under papaya tree. Therefore, Kapil and his
friend sat still for nearly two hours until the tea party ended. This made him to discover rash that
papaya sap can cause.

5. “She know we were up to mischief”

a. Whom does ‘She’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘She’ refers to Kapil’s Neighbouring house woman.

b. Why did Kapil said this?
Ans.: Kapil even got the next day into the neighbouring garden. When his neighbouring went to
Delhi for a couple of days. She had ninety – two pomegranates on the tree in her garden. She
counted them every day because she knew Kapil and his friends were naughty. Therefore, Kapil
narrated this line.

6. “She counted them every day”

a. Whom does ‘She’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘She’ refers to Kapil’s Neighbour.

b. Why did she count every day?
Ans.: She counted ninety-two pomegranates on the tree in her garden. Because she knew that
Kapil and his friends were very naughty.

7. “I was fairly good at all games”

a. Whom does ‘I’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘I’ refers to Kapil Dev.

b. What are the games that are offer at Kapil Dev School?
Ans.: The games that are offered at that time in Kapil Dev’s school were basketball, football,
table tennis and hockey, because all they required was a ball a couple of sticks and net.

8. “That is a decision I will always be grateful to them for”

a. Whom does ‘Them’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘Them’ refers to Kapil’s friends.

b. Why does Kapil Dev grateful for his friends?
Ans.: Kapil Dev dreamed of becoming a football player. However, fortunately, all his friends
were interested in and played cricket and they convinced Kapil Dev to change his game. As they,
unconsciously introduced him to the game for which he was made; therefore, he is grateful for
his friends.

9. “It was all merely fun to start with”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: Kapil Dev said this.

b. Why did he say so?
Ans.: Kapil Dev changed from one game to the other and began to spend lot of his time on the
cricket fields. He played in a number of Inter – School Tournaments and came to be notice as a
promising lad in the local press. Therefore, he said that it was all merely fun to start with.
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