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KARNA - Class 10 1st Language English Textbook Solutions



IV. Question & Answers  

 1.  Why  was  a  large  crowd  assembled  in  the  arena?
Ans:  - 
The  Pandavas  and  the  Kauravas  had  learnt  the practice  of  arms  first  from  Kripacharya  and  later  from Drona. A day was fixed for a test and exhibition of their proficiency  in  the  use  of  arms  in  the  presence  of  the Royal  family.  The  public  too  had  been  invited  to witness the performance of their  beloved princes. Thus there was a large crowd assembled in the arena.   

2. What did Duryodhana envy?  
Ans:  - 
Arjuna  displayed  superhuman  skill  with  his weapons and this  earned the  wonder and admiration of the  whole  crowd  assembled  there.  This  scene  made Duryodhana envious and hateful towards Arjuna.  

3.  How  does  the  writer  introduce  the  Kama  to  the assembly?  
Ans:  - 
The  writer  introduces  the  Kama  in  a  very impressive manner. At the close of the day, there came suddenly  from  the  entrance  of  the  arena  a  sound,  loud and  compelling  like  thunder,  the  sound  made  by  the slapping of mighty arms in challenge. All eyes turned in that direction. They saw enter through the crowd, which made way in awed silence, a godlike youth from whom light and power seemed to emanate. He was Karna.   

4. What was the cause for Duryodhana's exultation?
  After  Arjuna's  exhibition  of  his  superhuman skill with his weapons, with Drona's permission, Kama, then  and  there,  duplicated  all  Aijuna's  feats  with careless ease. This made Duryodhana feel exulted.

5. How does Kama challenge Arjuna?  
Ans:  - 
Laughing  is  scorn,  Kama  says:  "This  arena  is open  to  all,  0  Arjuna,  and  not  to  you  alone.  Might  is the sanction of sovereignty and the  law  is  based  on  it. But  what  is  the  use  of  mere  talk  which  is  the  weapon of the weak? Shoot arrows instead of words."   

6.  Who  were  the  divine  parents  of  the  two  heroes?
Ans:  -
  Indra,  the  lord  of  the  thunderclouds  was  the parent  of  Arjuna,  whereas  Bhaskara  of  the  infinite rays, was the parent of Kama.   

7. Why was Kunti stupefied?  
Ans: -
When Kunti saw Karna, she recognized him as her  firstborn,  and  now  seeing  him  get  ready  to  fight with  her  other  son,  Arjuna,  she  was  stupefied  with anguish  not  knowing  how  to  stop  the  fight  between brothers.  

8. Why did Kripacharya object to Karna joining in the battle?  
Ans:  - 
Kripacharya  objected  to  Karna  joining  in  the battle  because  his  lineage  and  parentage  were unknown, and, Arjuna being a high-born prince, could not  engage  in  single  combat  with  unknown adventurers.   

9.  How  did  Duryodhana  restore  Karana's  honour?
-  Duryodhana  announced  that  he  would  crown Karna  as  the  king  of  Anga.  He  obtained  the  assent  of Bhisma and Dhritarashtra, performed all the necessary rites  and  invested  Karna  with  the  sovereigns  of  the Kingdom  of  Anga  giving  him  the  crown,  jewels  and other royal insignia.   

10. How does Bhima ridicule Karna?  
Ans:  -
  On  seeing  the  charioteer  call  Kama  his  son, Bhima roared with  laughter and said: "0  he  is after all only the son of a charioteer! Take up the driving whip then  as  befits  thy  parentage.  Thou  art  not  worthy  of death at the hands of Arjuna. Nor should thou reign in Anga as a king."  

11.  How  does  Duryodhana  defend  Karna  against Bhima's accusations?  
Ans: -
Duryodhana admonishes Bhima for speaking so contemptuously about Karna. He says that great heroes and mighty rivers should not be traced to their sources, and  points  out that there  might  be  awkward  questions about Bhima's origin also. He points to Kama's godlike form  and  bearing,  his  armour  and  earrings,  and  his skill  with  weapons,  and  says  that  he  has  to  be  of  a noble  birth,  and  is  definitely  worthy  to  rule  the  whole world.   

12. How and why did Indra approach Karna?  
Ans:  - 
Indra  foresaw  that  a  supreme  contest  was inevitable  between  his  son  Arjuna  and  Karna;  and  he put on the garb of a Brahman  and came to Karna, who was  reputed  for  his  charity,  and  begged  of  him  his earrings and armour.  

13.  a)  Why  couldn't  Karna  refuse  the  gift  asked  of him?  
Ans: -
Karna could not bring himself to refuse any gift that was asked of him.   

b)  What  does  this  tell  us  about  Kama's  character?
-  This  tells  us  that  Karna  is  a  very  kind  and dignified person who will not deny anyone anything.   

14. Why does Indra offer a boon to Karna? What is the boon?  
Ans:  -
  Indra  was  filled  with  surprise  and  joy  when Karna  cut  off  his  earrings  and  armour  with  which  he was born and gave them to him. In return, he told Karna to ask  for a boon. As  Karna desired to  Indra's weapon, the Sakti, Indra granted the boon.   

15.  Indra  granted  the  boon  with  a  condition.  What was the condition?  
- Indra said that Karna could use the Sakti weapon only  against  one  enemy,  and  it  would  kill  him whosoever he might be. But after this killing was over, the  weapon  would  no  longer  be  available  to  him. Instead, it would go back to Indra.  

16. How did Parasurama realise that Karna was not a Brahmana?  
Ans: -
When Parasurama was reclining on  Kama's  lap, a  stinging  worm  burrowed  into  Kama's  thigh.  Blood began to flow and the pain was terrible, but Karna bore it without tremor for fear that the  master's  sleep should be  disturbed.  When  Parasurama  awoke  and  saw  the blood  flowing  from  the  wound,  he  said:  "Dear  pupil, you are  not a brahmana.  A  Kshatriya alone  can remain unmoved under all bodily torments."   

17. What was Parasurama's curse?  
-  Parasurama  curses  Karna  that,  as  he  had deceived  his  guru,  the  Brahmastra  that  he  had  learnt from the Guru shall fail him at the fated moment. Karna would  be  unable  to  recall  the  invocatory  mantra  when his hour comes.   

18. What does Bhishma ask Karna to do?  
-  Bhishma  asks  Karna  to  befriend  the  Pandavas since  that  was  the  right  path  for  Karna  who  was  their brother.  

19.  What  does  Karna  say  about  his  loyalty  to Duryodhana?  
Ans:  - 
Kama  says  that  he  has  eaten  1  Duryodhana's salt and so must be true to him, to be true to his own lineage.  He  says  that  Bhishma  should  permit,  Karna) to repay with his life the debt he owes to. Duryodhana for his love and trust.   

20.  How  does  Lord  Krishna  save  Arjuna  from Kama's arrow?  
Ans:  -
  Lord  Krishna,  who  was  Arjuna's  charioteer,  at the nick of time, pressed the vehicle down five fingers deep  in  the  mud,  so  that  the  serpent  shaft  just  missed Aijuria's head but struck off his helmet.   

21.  What  mishap  happened  to  Kama's  chariot?
Ans: -
The left wheel of Kama's chariot suddenly sank in  the  blood  mire,  and  would  not  allow  the  chariot  to move.  

22.  When  Karna  appeals  to  Arjuna's  sense  of dharma Lord Krishna recounts many acts of Kama and  the  Kauravas  which  violated  fair  play  and chivalry. Pick out any 3 such acts.  
Ans: -
1. Karna, along with Duryodhana, Dushyshana and  Sakuni,  had  dragged  Draupadi  to  thfAall  of Assembly  and  insulted  her.
2.  Kama  had  conspired with  the  wicked  men  who  had  sought  to  poison  and kill Bhima. In Kama had agreed to the plot to burn the Pandavas  alive  when  sleeping  in  the  palace  of  wax  to which they had been lured.  

23.  a)  What  Navas  Karna's  response  to  Lord Krishna's denouncement?  
Ans: -
When Krishna was denouncing him, Kama bent his head in shame and uttered not a word.   

b) What does this tell you about Karna?  
- It tells us that Karna was  not truly wicked, but was forced by his gratitude and loyalty to Duryodhana to assist him in all his wicked deeds. '   

24.  Why  was  Arjuna's  mind  wavering  when  Lord Krishna asked him to slay Karna?  
Ans: -
Lord Krishna urged  Arjuna to kill  Karna  when he was vainly trying to raise his chariot out of the mud in which it had stuck. According to the code of honour and  laws  of  war  prevailing  then,  it  was  wholly  wrong to  attack  such  a  warrior.  Hence  Arjuna's  mind wavered.  

25.  Was  killing  Karna  when  he  was  not  ready  for the fight wrong?  
Ans:  - 
According  to  the  code  of  honour  and  laws  of war prevailing then, it was wholly wrong to kill Karna when  he  was  not ready  for  the  fight.  But  it  was  Lord Krishna  who  revealed  the  absence  of  fair  play  in Kama's behaviour and how he had breached the dharma and urged Arjuna to shoot. Arjuna had not done this on his own. Hence it was not wrong.   

26. How does the poet justify this wrong?  
Ans:  - 
The  poet  does  not  have  the  heart to  impute  this act  of  Arjuna  who  was  the  embodiment  of  nobility.  It was Lord Krishna who had incited Arjuna to kill Karna when  he  was  not  ready  for  the  fight.  Except  for  the Lord  Himself,  no  one  could  bear  the  responsibility  for breaches of dharma.  
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