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Healthy Life - Class 7 second Language English Textbook Solutions

 Chapter 1
Healthy Life

Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

Check your understanding
l. Answer  ;the following questions in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Which was the healthiest place that you could imagine?
Answer: The earth was the healthiest place than we could imagine.

Question 2.
Who was furious?
Answer: One of the witches was furious.

Question 3.
What made the potion go wrong?
Answer: During the collection of energy, one of the witches made a mistake in uttering the words. As a result, there was a big explosion which completely destroyed the forest.

Question 4.
What happened after the explosion?
Answer: After the explosion, the forest got destroyed completely. All the witches turned in to tiny creatures like germs. They were trapped in a liquid in a small bottle which was lying in a swamp.
Question 5.
What happened to the witches after the explosion?
Answer: All the witches were turned into tiny creatures like germs as a result of the explosion. They were trapped in liquid in a small bottle which was lying in a swap.

Question 6.
What did the boy do with the new drink?
Answer: The boy thought that it was a nice drink and swallowed it fully.

Question 7.
How did the hoy change after drinking the potion?
Answer: The boy’s likes and dislikes to a change. A funny feeling started in the boy’s mouth. He no longer wanted to eat vegetables, fruits, and good nutritious food. We started asking for pizza, Barger, etc. He started ordering food from hotels and restaurants. He started watching television. He started eating more of Ice Cream and Chips.

Question 8.
Mention the worst thing that the witches learned to do?
Answer: The witches had learned to jump from one person to another like virus. They caused the worst disease in man ie., the disease of wasting life.
Question 9.
Who discovered the witches?
Answer: Doctor Fitton-Healthy discovered the witches.

Question 10.
What did the patients do before they went to Dr. Fitton-Healthy?
Answer: The patients were attacked with one of the worst diseases – The disease of wasting life. They were not eating the urgent healthy food-wasting lot of time in watching Petersen. They were all the time lazy by not doing any exercises. They were drawn into a shall as they stopped interaction with people they were doing all activities which made them unhealthy sick and lethargic.

Question 3.
What was the advice of Dr.Fitton- Healthy?
Answer: The best remedy was neither pills nor injections. The patients should eat fruits and vegetables and do some exercise. If anybody took his advice, they became healthy and the witches had to leave that body or they could be rid off by a single sneeze.
V1. Fill in the blanks using suitable words from the words given in brackets: One is done for you:
Mini ate a variety of food items and loved fruits and vegetables, (burgers/vegetables)
1. The earth was the _____ place where adults and children enjoyed a good life, (dirtiest / healthiest).
2. One of the witches was _______ about people being healthy, (powerful/furious)
3. There was a big ______ that destroyed the forest, (thunder/ explosion)
4. The witches were _______ in a small bottle. (trapped/gathered)
5. There was no ______ to get rid of the witches, (mixture/vaccine?
6. When a person becomes healthy the witches have to leave the body riding on a ______ (cough/sneeze)
1. healthiest
2. furious
3. explosion
4. trapped
5. vaccine
6. sneeze.
V2. Find fruits and vegetables from the word grid and shade them, using suitable colours. Compare your answers with your partner. One is done for you.
1. Pumpkin
2. Lime
3. Mango
4. Guava
5. Orange
6. Pomegranate
7. Pineapple
8. Banana
1. Brinjal
2. Tomato
3. Cabbage
4. Radish
5. Chilly

C2. Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What made people strong and healthy in the olden days?
Answer: In the olden days, people ate varieties of food, loved fruits, and vegetables. They exercised daily, They enjoyed long walks played, leaped. The earth was clean and pollution-free. ‘All these made both adults and children full of joy and they were in good moods. All these made them strong and healthy.

Question 2.
How would the potion change the people?
Answer: The people became patients as they were attacked with one of the worst diseases. The disease of wasting life. They were not eating the right kind of food. They were lazy and lethargic as they stopped exercising. The spent most of their time indoors, watching television. They were aloof and not interacting socially with people. They apart more time lying on the bed also.

Question 3.
Why were the witches not able to make the kind of magic potion they wanted to prepare?
Answer: To prepare a magic potion, they should put their energy and utter some words. During the process, one of the witches made a mistake in uttering the words. So they were not able to make the kind of potion, they desired.
Question 4.
Describe the change in the boy’s attitude after he drank the potion.
Answer: The boy’s likes and dislikes to a change. A funny feeling started in the boy’s mouth. He no longer wanted to eat vegetables, fruits, and good nutritious food. We started asking for pizza, Barger, etc. He started ordering food from hotels and restaurants. He started watching television. He started eating more of Ice Cream and Chips.

Question 5.
What was Dr. Fitton-Healthy’s best remedy?
Answer: Dr. Fitton – Healthy’s best remedy was to take a little bit of effort and eat fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise will make them fit again.

C3. Discuss with the teacher and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
“The message the story gives is not only for children but also the grown-ups”. Do you agree?
Answer: Yes. I will agree with the above statement. The message is for both adults and children. Continuous eating of junk food -like Pizza, burger, ice-cream, chips, etc., the people loose their health. Instead, if they eat good food, fruits, vegetables and do proper exercise regularly they become healthy.
Question 2.
With the help of paragraphs, four and five describe the illness and the cure.
Answer: The people stopped going out of the house and were sitting or lying about. There was no activity for their mind and body. So they felt ill. They lost their interest in everything. These were the effects of the potion, they drank. The witches managed to turn the effect of the potion into the worst disease of wasting life. After the research, Dr. Fitton Healthy discovered the cause and cure of this disease. The people .should eat good food, fruits, vegetables and do some exercises regularly. They should make a strong effort to live a healthy, joyful, and happy life, The germs like the witches will go off by one sneeze. Now discuss with your partners. Interview your friends and write what your friends can do and can not do. Put 0 or [El against the column provided.

One is done for you Some of the topics are:

S2. What changes do you need to bring in your food habits and hobbies after listening to your friends? Talk to your group and write a few points.
One is done for you:
stop watching TV/ play outside the house/finish homework / eat regularly- these are suggestions for Damu. Stop talking on the mobile /regular walk and some physical exercise / stop gossipping learn the lesson daily / eat good food stop eating junk food / start eating fruits, drinking milk daily, etc.,
G1. Make sentences using the following words to form a meaningful paragraph. You can use the fifth, paragraph for your reference.
1. discovered ____________
2. found _____________
3. prepared ____________
4. cured _____________
5. injected ____________
Madam Curie discovered Radium. She found it in the ore of Radium. She took more effort to prepare pure radium. The radium can cure many diseases. But it is not used to inject directly.

G2. Match these opposite words:
difficult × easy
1. day × advantage
2. more × short
3. advantage × waste
4. tong × darkness
5. sad × less
6. save × night
7. light × happy
1. night
2. less
3. disadvantage
4. short
5. happy
6. waste
7. darkness.
W1.Each one of us has a different work pattern. Discuss your daily schedule with your partner and write about it.

a) 6.00 AM: wake up, brush my teeth
b) 8.00 AM: Take a bath and get ready for school
c) 9.30 AM: Morning prayer at school
d) 1.00 PM: Lunch
e) 5.00 PM: back to home, playing with friends
f) 8.30 PM: Dinner. Learning lessons.
g) 10.00 PM: Go to bed, wishing parents.
W2. More Food
Some food items can be eaten raw. Some others have to be cooked before they can be eaten. Put the different food items below in the correct ballons.

W3. Pick out good and bad food habits for living that you find in this lesson. One is done for you.

healthy living – unhealthy living
eating a variety of food – refusing to eat vegetables
eating vegetables – refusing to eat good food
eating fruits – refusing to do exercise
doing exercise – refusing to go out like walking, running etc.

1. Name: Vivek. R.
2. Father’s Name: Ramachandra
3. Mother’s Name: Shantha
4. Date of Birth: __ /__ /__
5. Age: 13 years
6. Gender: Male
7. Class: VIII Standard
8. Name of the School: Omega School
9. SchoolAddress: Mettupalayam Road, Chennai.
10. Residential Address: o. 14, 6th Cross, Mettupalayam Road, Chennai

Place: Chennai
Date: __ /__ /__
Signature with date
___________________ .

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