Comprehension :
C1.) Read the poem silently and answer the following questions:
1.) What do you think is the ‘occasion’ for the poem?
Answer: The occasion for the poem is to bid farewell to Miss Pushpa who is going abroad.
2.) What impression do you get about Miss Pushpa after reading the poem? or What kind of a person do you think Miss Pushpa is ?
Answer: From the poem we come to know that Miss. Pushpa comes from a high family. She is always happy and is very popular.
3.) Write in 2 or 3 sentences about Miss Pushpa’s family.
Answer: Pushpa comes from a high family. Her father is a renowned advocate in Surat.
4.) Pick out the lines from the poem which reveal or indicate that Miss Pushpa was liked by all.
Answer: she is most popular lady with men also and ladies also.
The above lines from the poem reveal or indicate that Miss Pushpa was liked by all.
5.) What traits of Miss Pushpa does the poet appreciate?
Answer: Miss Pushpa has many good qualities that make her popular. She is always cheerful and happy. She smiles all the time. She never says no to anyone. She always completes her task and is very hard working.
6.) How would you consider the poem- A farewell address or a welcome speech? Justify your answer.
Answer: The poem is a farewell address as there is mention of bon voyage to Miss Pushpa who is going to abroad.
7.) There are many expressions in the poem which are typically Indian. Identify these expressions.
Answer: our dear sister,
I don’t mean only external sweetness
but internal sweetness.
Miss Pushpa is coming
from very high family.
8.) Would you consider those poem as making a gentle fun of the people who cannot speak English properly? Justify your answer.
Answer: The poet has used many words or expressions that we Indians typically use while speaking English. English is not our first language and we tend to make mistakes and add or make changes in our way. We tend to translate expression from our mother tongue to English as it is so it ends up in a funny way. The poet is gently making fun by using expressions that are used only by Indi
C3. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1.) Surat? Ah, yes once only I stayed in Surat.
a) Who does “I” refer to here?
Answer: “I” refers to the speaker of the farewell.
b.) Why is the reference to Surat made here?
Answer: Miss. Pushpa’s father is a renowned advocate in Surat so there is reference of Surat here.
c.) Is this remark apt in the context?
Answer: No, the remark is not relevant in the context of the farewell.
2.) “Just now only I will do it”
a.) Who does “I” refer to here?
Answer: “I” refers to Miss. Pushpa here.
b.) What does “it” mean here?
Answer: “It” means the work/taskgiven to Miss. Pushpa.
c.) What does this show of the “I” referred to?
Answer: The reference tells us that how dedicated Miss. Pushpa is. She never says no to any kind of work and completes her task.
C4.) As explained earlier in the poem, the poet is making a gentle fun of the people who cannot speak English properly.
Here are a few phrases/lines from the poem. Correct the mistakes wherever necessary and rewrite them.
The first one has been done for you.
Lines from the poem Corrected lines/phrases
1.) in two three days in two or three days
2.) you are all knowing you all know
3.) external sweetness sweet externally
4.) internal sweetness sweet internally
5.) smiling and smiling always smiling
6.) very high family well-to-do / rich family
7.) I am not remembering I don’t remember
8.) Once only I stayed in Surat Only once I stayed in Surat.
9.) With men also and ladies also with men and women alike/ men and ladies also
10.) Just now only I will do it I will do it immediately
11.) That is showing good spirit that shows good spirit
12.) I am always appreciating I always appreciate
13.) ………. anybody is asking anybody asks her
14.) ………….. always saying yes always agrees/ says yes
15.) ……….. will do summing up sum up