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Babar Ali - 1st PUC English Textbook Solutions

Babar Ali
Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
Babar is the first person in his family to get a formal education. And the heartwarming story is that it (the learning) didn't end with him, it was the beginning. At the tender age of nine, Babar Ali had the heart, the vision and the dedication to bring education to hundreds  of  children  in  his  village.  Babar  Ali  was  a  person  from  Murshidabad,  West  Bengal.  He  is  known  as  the  "youngest headmaster  of  the  world".  He  was  given  this  title  by  BBC,  in  the  year  2009.  Babar  Ali  was  still  a  student  when  he  started teaching.  He initially began teaching as a time pass, just for fun.
Comprehension: I 
1. Where does Babar Ali run classes for poor children?
Ans: - Babar Ali runs classes for poor children in the backyard of his house in Murshidabad, West Bengal. 
2.  How is Babar Ali’s routine described by the writer?
Ans:  -  Babar  wakes  up  every  morning  at  seven  and  starts  his  day  by  doing  some  house  hold  chores.  Then  he  takes  an  auto rickshaw first and later walks five kilometers to his class as a student of XII.
3. Give a picture of Babar Ali s school
Ans: - Babar Ali’s school is made up of a dilapidated concrete structure covered in half torn posters. Children study under the open blue sky. Some sit in the mud while others on rickety benches under a rough homemade shelter. 
4. Why is Babar Ali called ‘a fortunate soul’ in his village?
Ans: - Babar is called a fortunate soul in his village because unlike most children he received formal education because he was firmly supported by his father Nasiruddin Sheikh. 
5. What according to Babar’s father, is true religion?
Ans: - According to Babar’s father Nasiruddin Sheikh Education is man’s true religion. 
6. Why is sending children to school, a costly affair for parents?
Ans: - Poor families find sending children a costly affair because even though children are provided with free education, parents still have to bear the cost of uniforms and other books. 
7.  Tulu Rani Hazra is________
Ans: - An illiterate educationalist 
8.The teaching staff of Babar Ali’s school is made up of____
Ans: - High school student volunteers. 
9.  Babar Ali gets the children to listen by______
Ans: - Making friends with them. 
Comprehension: II 
10. Why do you think Babar Ali took the initiative to start his own school?
11. What started as a game resulted in a much sought after school for the unprivileged.’ Explain.
12. Do you think that Babar Ali’s act of thoughtfulness has enabled the poor children move towards growth? Discuss
Ans:  -  Babar  Ali  noticed  how  most  of  his  friends  in  his  village  had  not  received  formal  education.  Although  children  were provided with free education, the parents still had to bear the cost of books and uniform,  instead of going to school most of the boys  worked  as  mechanics,  day  laborers,  grass  cutters  live  stock  herders  whereas  girls  worked  as  maid  servants,  cooking, cleaning,  and  washing  clothes  and  dishes  for  their  employers.  So  Babar  Ali  wanted  to  bring  about  a  change  in  their  lives. Nasiruddin Sheikh, Babar’s father a jute seller believed that education is man’s true religion. So he supported his son to open a school and provided free meals for the poor students.
Babar Ali actually started his school Anand Shiksha Niketan when he was nine. It grew out of a game. Babar Ali and his friends used to play school-school with him as a teacher. As his friends had never experienced school atmosphere they enjoyed playing as students. While they played, his friends would end up learning arithmetic and this was what led him to open his own institution, for his friends and other children like them in his own village. Teaching in Ali’s school is taken care of by high school student volunteers. According to Babar Ali teaching learning process has become more effective as the generation gap is less between the teacher and the students and this is a big advantage. Education is free and books are made available to the students.  
Comprehension: III 
1. According to Nasiruddin ‘Education is man’s True Religion’. How does Babar Ali’s school prove this?
2. The increasing  strength of Babar Ali’s school reflects the transformation in our  society’s attitude towards education. Substantiate.
3. Do you feel that Babar Ali’s initiation is a success story? Explain
Ans:  -  Education  is  a  boon  and  this  is  a  remarkable  story  of  the  desire  to  learn  amid  the  direst  (extreme)  poverty.  So  Ali’s thoughtfulness and initiative turned an impossible  mission into a possible one. Success  cannot be  measured by  money or fame that is visible but by the positive transformation caused by a small act of courage. The  School  which  was  started  in  a  very  humble  manner  in  the  backyard  of  Babar  Ali’s  house  with  eight  students  has  been transformed  today  to  the  one  with  eight  hundred  students,  with  60  regular  attendees  and  over 220  students  on  roll  call.  Anand shiksha Niketan consists of ten volunteer teachers teaching grade 1 to 8. It is registered with the West Bengal Government. This means that the children who gain access to education will also have more career opportunities.  Text books are free from class 1 to  5. The  School  provides  free  mid-day  meals  and  opportunity  to  get  into  the  High  School.  Students  join  his  School  with  lots  of enthusiasm and interest. Moreover, they are very keen to study when a person receives education it uplifts his way of thinking and improves the quality of his life. The school has not only created confidence in young children but also enhanced self confidence of the entire villagers in this process of education. People like Tulu Rani Hazra a fish monger, high school volunteers, Debarita Bhattachary, Monks at the local Rama Krishna Mission, IAS officers and local cops have participated in the school’s activities which reflect their devotion towards education. In short, Babar Ali’s foresight has given opportunities for hundreds of deprived students.  
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