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Abou Ben Adhen - Class 7 Second Language English Textbook Solutions

 Abou Ben Adhen 

Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

Check your understanding:

Choose the right answer and underline it:

Question 1.
The following wish is for (may his tribe increase)
a. the angel
b. Abou Ben Adhem
c. the dream
Answer: b. Abou BenAdhem

Question 2.
The angel was writing in a book of
a. dream
b. peace
c. gold
Answer: c. gold
Question 3.
‘the presence in the room’ is referred to
a. vision
b. name
c. fellow men
Answer: a. vision

Question 4.
“Nay, not so” refers to Abou being one among those who
a. loved the Lord
b. loved the angle

c. loved his fellow men
Answer: a. loved the Lord

Question 5.
Abou’s name appeared first in the list of those that

a. love of God had blessed
b. saw the vision

c. loved his fellow men
Answer: c. loved his fellow men
C2. Rearrange the following sentences so as to form a summary of the poem.

a. The peaceful sleep had given Ben Adhem courage, and he asked the angel: bright as a beautiful flower, he saw an angel writing in a book of gold.
What are you writing?
The vision looked up, and with a sweet and friendly look, answered:
‘I am writing the names of all the people who love the Lord.’

b. The angel wrote and vanished. The next night the angel came again, in a great flash of light (that woke Abou), and showed the names of those who had been blessed by the love of God. And look! Adam’s name was at the top of the list.

c. One night Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!) woke from a deep, peaceful dream. In the moonlight that was making his room as bright as a beautiful flower, he saw an angel writing in a book of go Id.

d. ‘And is mine one of those names?’ asked Abou.
‘No, it is not,’ replied the angel.
Abou, still cheerful, spoke more softly and said:
‘Then please, put my name down as one that loves other people.’
One night Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!) woke from a deep, peaceful dream. In the moonlight that was making his room as bright as a beautiful flower, he saw an angel writing in a book of gold.
The peaceful sleep had given Ben Adhem courage, and he asked the angel:
What are you writing?
The vision looked up, and with a sweet and friendly look, answered:
‘I am writing the names of all the people who love the Lord.’
‘And is mine one of those names?’ asked Abou.
‘No, it is not, ’ replied the angel.
Abou, still cheerful, spoke more softly and said:
‘Then please, put my name down as one that loves other people.’
The angel wrote and vanished. The next night the angel came again, in a great flash of light (that woke Abou), and showed the names of those who had been blessed by the love of God. And look! Adhem’s name was at the top of the list.

C3. Answer the following:

Question 1.
Choose an example of simile from the choices given below:
a. making it rich
b. within the moonlight
c. like a lily in bloom
Answer: c. like a lily in bloom
Question 2.
The rhyming words in the poem have a pattern. It is
a. every two lines rhyme.
b. alternate lines rhyme
c. all lines end in the same sound
Answer: a pattern. It is

Question 3.
The poem refers to god’s representative in three different ways. They are:
a. moonlight, angel, and dream
b. angel, the presence, the vision
c. lily, angel, and dream
b. angel, the presence, the vision
C4. In your own words write the message the poem gives.
The writer Ben Adhem gives a very important message to people. To love God is important and great but to love the people who love god is the most sacred deed. If we love people, we could make the world a better place. So loving the people is more precious than loving God.
Abou Ben Adhen Summary in English
“Abou Ben Adhem” was the poem written by Leight Hunt. This poem clearly explains that the poet who addresses himself as Ben Adhem is a strong believer in God. He believed that not only loving God but also loving people who believed that God is great.
In this poem, it shows that when Adhem saw an angel in his room one night, he was not frightened or scared, he had believed in God, and seeing an angel, he was happy. But just wanted to know, what the angel was writing down. When he was informed that the angel was making a list of people who loved God, Adhem Just wanted to know whether his name was also included. But when he was informed that his name was not there he did not feel dejected or sad. He only requested the angel to write his name on the list of people who loved God’s fellowmen.
When Adam saw the angel the next day, he enquired the purpose of the visit and he was. totally surprised and happy to know that his name was in the list df people whom God had blessed. In this list, Adhem’s name was first and all the other names followed.

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