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The Discovery-10th Standard 2nd Language English Notes

Prose - 6 The Discovery

Multiple choice questions:
1) The captain of the discovery of The New World(America) was,
A.Gullermo Ires B.PedroGutierrez C.Francisco D.Columbus

2) The name of the ship that took Columbus to the New World of America,
A.Santa Maria B spainia C. Titanic D.Britannica

3) The seamen were singing the song to,
A. keep their spirits B. keep away boredom C. enjoy their voyage D.find the New World

4) What kind of thoughts were not allowed by Pedro?
A. good thoughts B.bad thoughts C. silent thoughts D.Mutinous thoughts

5) The word which was considered ugly by Diego was
A. irons B. ship C. Spain D. mutiny

6)The song in the beginning of the play”The Discovery” conveys the
A. sorrow mood of the seamen. B. happy mood of the seamen.
C. active mood of the seamen. D. jealousy mood of the seamen.

7)’There are no limits to patience’ this was said by
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez

8)Where was Columbus standing in the beginning of the play? B.Fore mast C. Poop D. quarter-deck

9)”A good sailor knows his place”Who said this?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez

10)What was Columbus’ worst enemy? It was his
A. unbridled tongue B. Will C. song of sailors D. ship in Storm

11)Who preferred the company of Columbus?
A. Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pepe

12)”Everybody doubts…except me.”-Who said this?
A. Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pepe

13)Who did Columbus have faith ?He had faith in
A. Diego Garcia B. Guillermo Ires C. Pedro Gutierrez D. young Pepe.

14)When was Columbus furious? When he heard
A. the song of the seamen B. talks of sailors C. Quarrelling of the seamen D.howling of storm

15)”Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass” Whose words is Pepe quoting here?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez

16)”Discipline is a thing of the past,sir.It’s you or us”- Who said this?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez

17)Who was Columbus loyal to?
A. the Royal Sovereigns of Britain B. the Royal Sovereigns of Portugal
C. the Royal Sovereigns of France D. the Royal Sovereigns of Spain

18) “What! Does that child stand between me and death?” Who said this?
A. DiegoGarcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez

19) What does Columbus compare Loyalty to?
A. seaweed on an outgoing tide B. a mast hollowed by worms
C. bubbles that burst at the first contact D. storm against a ship

20) What does Columbus compare friendship to?
A. seaweed on an outgoing tide B. a mast hollowed by worms
C. bubbles that burst at the first contact D.storm against a ship

21)What does Columbus compare Discipline, duty and obedience to?
A. seaweed on an outgoing tide B. a mast hollowed by worms
C. bubbles that burst at the first contact D. storm against a ship

22)’I am not grateful’-Who said this?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez

23)”Desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them,sir”-who said this?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez

24)”Your best can not be bettered- Who said this?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gitierrez

25)Columbus saw the first light of the new World on 11th October 1492.What was the light he saw in darkness?
A. A light of fire by the inhabitants B. a light faintly flickering, rising up and down
C.the moon light D. Electric bulbs

26)Who was the boldest ,rebellious seaman among the Columbus sailors?
A. Francisco. B. Guillermo Ires C. Diego Garcia D.Juan Patino

27) “A good sailor knows his place.”Says Columbus to Diego.The statement is
A. a piece of advice B. an indirect command C. a statement D. voice of authority

28)Columbus was a man of
A. dictatorial attitude B.quick temper C.hatred towards the seamen D.selfishness

29) Pepe warns Columbus about some people. Who are they?
A.Diego Garcia B.seamen C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez

30)’Who’s to put him in irons?’challenges Giillermo.The person meant by ‘him’in the context is :
A.Guillermo B .The first man to move towards Columbus
C.Columbus D.The first man who challenged Columbus

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)
1.Write about the physical features of Columbus in the play ’The Discovery’
Ans: Columbus is a tall, well-built man of forty six.Hair prematurely white,complexion fair,almost ruddy. A man of quick temper and irritability which he controls only with an effort .His face,in response,is melancholic.

2.”There are limits to patience,”says Diego.What does this suggest about Diego’s state of mind?
Ans: Diego had lost his patience and he was home sick.He wanted to go back to Spain.

3. Who do you think has the lives of fifty in his hands? How?
Ans:I think Columbus the captain of Santa Maria Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus to discover the New World of America had the life of fifty hands. Because the sailors had left Spain long ago. His decision had the life of all the other seamen.

4. How does Pedro try to defend the drunken seamen? Was he right in defending them?
Ans: Pedro tried to defend the drunken seamen. They are simple men and must have their relaxation. He was not right in defending them as they did not have any vision.

5. What is termed as the worst enemy and best friend by Columbus?
Ans: Columbus’ worst enemy was his unbridled tongue. Columbus’ best friend was his will, because it was God’s will.

6.“Columbus is always furious when he hears the song ’Here’s a keg o’rum,’’What makes him react so?
Ans: Columbus is always furious when he hears the song ’Here’s a keg o’rum,’because the sailors were singing the song to protest against their captain Columbus. They were drunkards and had no vision at all.

7. Why do you think Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus?
Ans: Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus because he was a loyal fellow to Columbus and he hated others and he himself was confident of their discovery.

8.How are the seamen expressing their discontent even as Columbus canhear them?
Ans: The seamen expressing their discontent even as Columbus can hear them by singing the song of sailors in a growling voice like a roaring sound.They did not obey his command to stop the song.

9.Which statement of Francisco suggests that he also has lost his temper? Quote his words.
Ans: Francisco also has lost his temper. His feelings of temper are, “Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass.” “Discipline is a thing of the past, sir.It’s you or us.”

10.In his long speech, what does Columbus say he has discovered?
Ans: In his long speech, what does Columbus says he has discovered that- Loyalty is like seaweed on an outgoing tide. Friendship is like a mast hollowed by worms. Discipline, duty and obedience are like bubbles that burst at the first contact.

11.Pepe excitedly declares that he is still loyal to the leader. What effect does it have on others like Juan and Guillermo?
Ans: Pepe excitedly declares that he is still loyal to the leader. Then other seamen like Juan and Guillermo began to hate him along with Columbus. They called him as his faithful whelp and a lick-spittle.

12. CompareFrancisco’s words of confession with what he had said earlier in anger. How does Columbus react to his confession?
Ans: Francisco says that desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them. He confesses that though he is capable he could not achieve his goal. Columbus says Francisco that his best can never be bettered..He means that once we reach the level of being best, we can never improve.

13. How does Pedro react to the words of Columbus that he thought he saw some flickering light?
Ans: Pedro reacts to the words of Columbus that he thought he saw some flickering light. Pedro says that he is happy and thanks God to be with them for their successful discovery.

14.Do you consider the ending of the play ‘The discovery ‘to be ending happy?
Ans: Yes, The ending of the play ‘The discovery ‘is a happy ending. The seamen who were desperate and not willing to continue their voyage became jubilant and rejoiced their success.

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
1.“There are limits to patience, sir”
A. Who lost his patience? Ans: Diego lost his patience.
B. Who is he speaking to? Ans: Diego is speaking to Pedro.
C. Why did speak so? Ans: He lost his patience and wanted to go back to Spain.

2.“Why should one man have the lives of fifty in his hands?”
A.Who said these words to whom? Ans: Diego said these words to Pedro.
B.What does the speaker mean? Ans: The speaker means that the seamen are forced against their incapacity.
C.Who had the lives of fifty in his hands? Ans: Columbus had the lives of fifty in his hands?

3.“I hope we are not entertaining mutinous thoughts, Diego.”
A. Who did not entertain mutinous thoughts? Ans: Pedro did not entertain mutinous thoughts.
B.Who said this? Ans: Pedro said this to Diego.
C.Why did he say so? Because, he had lost his patience.

4.”They are simple men and must have their relaxation”
A.Who does ‘they’ refer to? Ans: ’They’ refers to the seamen
B.What were they doing for relaxation? Ans : They were singing for relaxation.
C.Who is the captain? What were his visions? Ans: Columbus is the captain. His vision was to discover the New World America.

5. ”I do not claim your confidence, sir.”
A. Who do ‘I ‘refer to? Ans: ‘I ‘refer to Pedro.
B. Who is the ‘sir ‘here? Ans : Columbus is the ‘sir ‘here
C.What was he confident in? Ans: He was his confident in his discovery.

6. “I prefer your company to theirs.”
A. Whose company does the speaker prefer to? Ans: The speaker prefers the company of Columbus.
B. Whose company does not he like? Why? Ans: He does not like the company of the seamen.
C. Why does not he want their company? Ans : Because of their desperate and horrible behavior.

7.“The Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass.”
A. Who said this? Who reported it to Columbus? Ans: Francisco said this .Pepe reported it to Columbus.
B. What is the Santa Maria ? Ans: The Santa Maria is the ship that Columbus was on to discover the New World.
C. Why did he say so ? Ans: Because he was discontented with the voyage. He was home sick.

8.“Discipline is a thing of the past, sir.It’s you or us.”
A.Who is the speaker? Ans: Francisco is the speaker.
B. Who is he speaking to? Ans: He is speaking to Columbus.
C.Why is he speaking so? Ans: He is speaking so, because he was discontented with the voyage. He was home sick.

9.”And who’s to put him in irons? We are thirty to one.”
A.Who asked this question? Ans: Guillermo asked this question.
B.Why would he put him in irons? Ans: Because they were against Columbus. They were rebellious on Columbus.
C. Whom does ‘thirty to one ‘ refer to? Ans : Sailors.

10. ” We want our homes and our families.”
A. Who said this? Ans: Guillermo said this to Columbus.
B. What were his feelings? Ans: He was against Columbus. He was rebellious on Columbus
C.Who is he speaking to? Ans; He is speaking to Columbus.

11.”What! Does that child stand between me and death?”
A.Who said this? Ans: Columbus said this
B.Who was the child standing between the speaker and death? Ans: Pepe was the child standing between the speaker and death.
C.When did the speaker say so? Ans: When the sailors came roaring against Columbus in a rebel.

12.”Your best cannot be bettered.”
A. Whose best cannot be bettered? Ans: Francisco’s best cannot be bettered.
B.Why did the speaker say so? Ans: Because he lost his self confidence.
C.What is the meaning of the statement? Ans: This means that when one reaches the level of being best, he can never improve.

13. “A good sailor knows his place”.
A. To whom it was said ? Ans : It was said to Diego.
B. What does it mean ? Ans : Columbus wanted to point out to Diego that he had no right to be on the quarter deck. It is an indirect command.
C. What was ‘Diego’s reaction? Ans : Diego tried to suppress his anger and with a scowl goes off from there.

14. “Discipline knows no buts”
A. Who said these words? Ans : Columbus said these words to Francisco.
B. Whom did he say these words to ? Ans. He asked Francisco to bring Guillermo Ires to him for speaking against him.
C. What did Columbus mean to say by these words? Ans : Columbus meant that one should not hesitate to enforce discipline.

15. “Mutiny is an ugly word, Sir”
A. Why did the speaker say these words? Ans : When Pedro asked Diego whether he was thinking of rebelling against Columbus, he said so.
B. In what way the word is ugly? Ans : The word is ugly because Mutiny’ is a deed which leads to destruction.
C. Who is the sir here ? Ans : Pedro is the ‘sir’ here.
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