Learning Card-1
Choose the correct answer:
1. Identify an example of red algae from the following
a) Polysiphonia b) Spirogyra c) sargassum d) Ectocarpus
2. In Reptiles the heart is
a) Two chambered b) incompletely four chambered
c) Three chambered d) four chambered
3. Identify the odd one.
a) Calotes b) salamander c) Chameleon d) Varanus
4. Ulothrix is an example of
a) Red algae b) brown algae c) green algae d) unicellular algae
5. Aortic arch in birds is
a) on the right side b) on both the sides c) on the left side d) absent
6. A flightless bird among the following is
a) Swan b) Flemingo c) Hawk d) Kiwi
Answer the following questions
1. What are sea weeds?
The largest and most complex faims of algae are marine and are commonly called sea weeds. Eg. Sargassum
2. What is Thallus?
The body of multicellular algae is flat and called thallus.
3. Give two examples of Red algae.
a) Batrachospermum b) Polysiphonia
4. Give two examples of Brown Algae.
a) Sargassum b) Ectocarpus
5. Give two examples of Green Algae.
a) Spirogyra b) ulothirx
6. What are Rhizoids?
The root like structures of Bryophytes are called Rhizoids
7. What is Chordata?
Animals with notochord are called chordates.
8. What is metamorphosis?
In amphibians the changes that takes place from larva to an adult is called metamorphosis
9. What are Pneumatic bones?
In birds many bones are filled with air called pneumatic bones.
10. Name any two egg laying mammals.
Platypus and echidna
11. What is inflorescence?
A special branch bearing a cluster of flowers is called inflorescence
12. Name the amphibious plants of kingdom Plantae.
13. What is the difference between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?
Gymnosperms: Seeds are not enclosed by a fruit like structure. Eg: cycas.
Angiosperms: Seeds are enclosed by a fruit like structure. Eg : Mango, Neem.
14. Mention the important differences between monocot and Dicot plants.
Monocot plants | Dicot plants |
a) They have only one cotyledon | a) They have 2 cotyledons. |
b) Fabrous root system is present | b) Tap root system is present. |
c) Leaves have parallel venation. | c) Leaves have reticulate venation. |
d) During germination the cotyledon remains below the soil. | d) During germination the cotyledons appear above the soil. |
15. Mention any four characteristic features of Fishes.
* The streamlined body is divisible into head, trunk and short tail.
* Body has an exoskeleton composed of dermal scales.
* Respiratory organs are in the forms of gills.
* Heart is two chambered
16. Mention any four characteristic features of Amphibians.
* The body is divisible into head, trunk and tail.
* There is no exoskeleton. Skin is smooth and moist.
* Heart is three chambered.
Respiratory organs are gills in the lerva and a pair of lungs in the adult.
Learning Card-2
Choose the correct answer:
1. The adult Plant body is a gameto phyte in
a) Angiosperm b) Pteridophytes c) Gymnosperms d) Bryophystes.
2. Identify the feature exclusively to monocots.
a) Tap root system b) fibrous root system
c) Reticulate venation d) flowers with 4 or 5 petals.
3. Identify the pair of oviparous vertebrate group where fertilization and development are both external.
a. fishes and Amphiblans b. Reptiles and Birds
c. Amphilzians and Reptiles d. Birds and mammals
4. The skin in Amphibians has
a) an exoskeleton of scales b) no exoskeleton
c) an exoskeleton of hairs d) an exaskelton of featuers.
5. One of the following is not a dicot seed:
a) Bean b) ground nut c) barley d) pea
6. A homeothermic animal among the following is:
a) Frog b) snake c) rat d) fish
Answer the following question
1. Which pigment gives red colour in red algae?
2. Name the pigment that gives brown colour in brown algae.
3. Mention any three charactertic features of multicellular algae.
* Cell wall is made up of cellulose and Pectin
* Plant body is flattened called ‘Thallus’
* They reproduce both by asexual and sexual methods
4. Write any three characterstic features of bryophytes.
* Bryophytes are commonly called amphibians of the plant kingdom since they need water for completing the life cycle.
* Here too plant body is thallus with root like structures called rhizoids.
* They incude two groups namely liver works and masses.
5. Write the economic importance of bryophytes.
* Masses are used in packing flowers.
* They are also used in pots for moisture retention.
* Since masses form a dense mat on the soil, they check erasion.
6. Write the economic importance of pteridiphytes.
* Ferns are grown for their ornamental value,
* Leaves are used in making flower bouquet.
* Some ferns are of medicinal importance.
* Some ferns like horse tails and club masses are involved in the formation of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum.
7. Mention any three important features of phylum chordata.
* Presence of a solid supporting structure on the dorsal side of the body called hotochord.
* Presence of a dersal, hollow, tubular nervecord.
* Presence of opening in the pharynx called gillslits atleast in the embryonic stage.
8. What are coldblooded and warm blooded animals? Give example.
Vertebrates that keep changing their body temperature according to the changes in the environment are called cold blooded animals.
eg: Fishes, Ambhibians and reptiles.
Vertebrates that maintain a constant body temperature irrespective of changes in the environmental temperature are called warm blooded animals.
eg: Birds and mammals.
9. In mammals which muscular membrane separates the chest cavity from the abdomen?
10. Name the biggest lizard.
11. Mention any four characterstic features of reptiles.
* Reptiles are cold blooded animals.
* The body is elongated, divisible into head, trunk and tail.
* Heart is three chambered.
* Brain has 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
12. Mention any four characterstic features of birds.
* Birds are warmblooded animals.
* They respire through lungs.
* Heart is four chambered.
* Brain has 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
13. Give an example for limbless amphibian.
14. What are the adaptations found in birds for flying?
* Stremlined body.
* Forelimbs modified into wings.
* Presence of flight muscles.
* Reduced body weight.
Learning Card-3
Chose the correct answer:
1. Among vertebrates Notochord is
a) found only in the anterior half
b) found only in the larval stage.
c) found though out the body
d) replaced by a vertebral column.
2. Identify the charater not found in mammals.
a) Enucleate RBC b) all similar teeth.
c) viviparous condtion d) presence of mammary glands.
3. Balanoglassus belongs to
a) cephalochordata . b) urochordata . c) Hemichordata d) vertebrata.
Question and Answers:
1. What are tracheophytes?
Plants with vascualr tissues are collectively called as tracheophytes.
2. What is prothallus?
In pteridiophytes the gametophyte is a haploid structure called portholes.
3. With reference to bryophytes write the difference between sporophytes and gametophytes?
Saprophyte | Gametophyte |
Saprophyte is diploid | Gametophyte is haploid. |
It reproduces by sexual method. | It reproduces by asexual method. |
4. Name the four subphyla of chordata.
* Sub phylum Hemichordate
* Sub phylum Urochordata
* Sub phylum cephalochordate
* Sub phylum vertebrata.
5. Name the reproductory structures of Gymnophytes.
Male and Female cones.
6. Mention any four characteristics of mammals.
* Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
* The body is divisible into head, trunk and tail.
* They are generally viviparous.
* Heart is 4 chambered. Aortic arch is on the left side.
* The exoskeleton is represented by epidermal outgrowths called hairs.
7. What difference do you find between a maize seed and a bean seed as they start germinating?
During germination in bean seed the cotyledons appear above the soil and in maize seed the cotyledon remain below the soil.
8. A gardener uses moss plants in flower pots.Why?
Mass plants helps in water holding capacity of the soil.
9. What is the difference between cartilaginous fish and bony fish?
Cartilaginous fishes have only cartilages in the endoskeleton.
Ex: shark.
Bony fishes have endoskeleton composed of bones.
Ex: Labeo, carp etc.
10. How is frog more evolved than fish?
* Fishes respire only through gills. Where as Frogs respire through Gills, skin lungs and buccal cavity.
* The heart of fish is two chambered where as the heart of frog three is chambered.
11. Why does a fish die when it is removed out of water?
Fish breathes through gills by taking dissolved oxygen in water. It cannot use atmospheric oxygen.
12. The heart og man is 4 chambered and the heart of Chemelon is 3 chambered. What difference do you find with reference to their blood circulation?
The heart of man is four chambered by which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are not mixed. Where as in Chemeleon the heart is 3 chamdered so that both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix together and circulate through out the body.