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SONNET - Class 7th First Language English Textbook Solutions

 – Toru Dutt
B.) Speaking and Writing

Come, let us talk about this poem.
Take turns with your partner to ask or answer these questions. Explain to him/her why you think your answer is correct. Quote from the poem if necessary. Write down your answers.
1.) Toru Dutt is taking a stroll amid the trees in her garden. She sees “a sea of foliage”. What does she mean by “sea” of foliage? Explain in your own words.

Answer: Toru Dutt is taking a stroll amid the trees in her garden and when she sees foliage of different types of leaves. There was leaves with sharp contrasts of all colours like light-green leaves of tamarinds and mango clumps with another green shade and some dried leaves with red in colour.
2.) The greenery you are watching seems dull if it is un _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Answer: The greenery you are watching seems dull if it is unvaried green.
3.) What does the phrase “not a sea of dull unvaried green” mean? Explain.
Answer: The phrase “not a sea of dull unvaried green” means the greenery in the garden there are different colours of leaves due to dryness, there are green leaves and there are red leaves and all of them are different in colour.
4.) The poet gives one example of colour contrast. What is the example?
Answer: The poet says that there are red colour like a trumpet’s sound in greenery and that makes a contrast according to poet.
5.) Have you seen the bunches of leaves on a mango tree? Are they all green? What about fresh bunches?

Answer: Yes, I have seen the bunches of leaves on a mango tree and some of them were green and some of them were red. Fresh bunches were light green.
8.) The poet says seemuls are startlingly red. How does she explain their lurid brightness? What does she compare them with?

Answer: Poet says the palms tree is like a grey pillar between seemuls tree with red colour. And the poet compares it with trumpet’s sound.
9.) A sudden blare of a trumpet outside your quiet room would startle you. The glaring red – _ _ _ of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ startled the poet.
Answer: The glaring red –colour of the seemuls startled the poet.
10.) After describing some lovely scenes the poet talks about the loveliest scene of all. What is it? Describe it in your own words.
Answer:According to a poet there is nothing lovelier than the bamboo ranges to the eastward. In those ranges the moon looks through their gaps and the white lotus looks like a silver cup. The scenario is so beautiful that one might swoon.
11.) Enjoying the beauty of Nature, the poet says even enjoyment can become unbearable. What words express this idea? Explain what she says, in your own words.

Answer: In the last few lines the poet describes the lovelier scene. The poet says, nothing can be lovelier than bamboo ranges, when moon looks through their gaps and the white lotus looks like silver cup. And it is so beautiful that it is unbearable and it might faint someone. The beauty is gazing and amazing.
12.) There are three Metaphors and three Similes in this poem. Find them. Talk to your partner about them. (Metaphor: The use of words to indicate something different from the literal meaning; Simile: Comparison of one thing to another).

Answer: Three Metaphors are
1.) Sea of foliage
2.) Over the quite pools the seemuls lean
3.) One might swoon drunken with beauty.
Three similes are
1.) Palms rise like pillars grey
2.) Red, red and starting like a trumpet’s sound
3.) Lotus looks like a silver cup.
C.) Reading and Writing :
Work with your partner and supply the missing words in the following passage :

They went to see the Jog Falls. They heard the roar from afar. They got off the car and walked to the platform. There it was, in all its grandeur! They just stood still in awed reverence. All four had joined together, and the spray was rising up. No, not all four. Three, The Raja, The Roarer and The Rocket had all joined. They were roaring loud in one huge brown mass of water. The last one, the lady, was no more the graceful dancer she was! All four Falls were thin just a week ago. What a contrast now!
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