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A Scene From Shakuntala - Class 10th Third Language English Textbook Solutions

 A Scene From Shakuntala 

I.) Comprehension questions :

A.) Answer the following questions briefly:

1.) Who, according to the two policemen, did the ring belong to?

Answer: According to the two policemen the ring belonged to the king.

2.) What, according to the policemen, did the king think of the moment he got the ring ?
Answer: According to the policemen, the king though of his beloved the moment he got the ring.

3.) When did the policemen arrest the fisherman?
Answer: The policemen arrested the fisherman when he was trying to sell the ring at the market.

4.) How did the fisherman support his family?
Answer: The fisherman supported his family by fishing.

5.) Who is Januka?
Answer: Januka is a policeman.

6.) What did the chief of the police bring from the king?
Answer: The chief brought a written order from the king.

7.) What reward did the king give to the fisherman?
Answer: The king gave a bracelet to the fisherman as a reward.

B.) Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each:

1.) How did the chief confirm that the gem was in a fish’s belly?

Answer: The fisherman told the policemen that he got the ring in the belly of a fish when he was cutting a carp. Then the chief smelt the ting and confirmed that the ring had been in a fish’s belly. It had real smell of a raw meat.

2.) Why do you think the chief warns Suchaka not to be careless?
Answer: If Suchaka became carless then there were chances of the fisherman to run away so the chief warned Suchaka not to be careless.

3.) Why did the king give a reward to the fisherman?

Answer: When the king got his ring, he remembered someone he loved so he gave a reward to the fisherman.

4.) What made Suchaka think of killing the pickpocket?

Answer: Suchaka thought that the fisherman had really stolen the ring so he thought of killing the pickpocket.

5.) How did the fisherman get the ring?
Answer: The fisherman found the ring while cutting a carp. He found the ring in the belly of a fish.

C.) Read the extracts and answer the questions:

1.) “I live on the Ganges at the spot where Indra came down”

a.) Who said these words?

Answer: These words were said by the fisherman.

b.) Who does ‘I’ refer to?
Answer: “I” refers to the fisherman.

c.) Where did he live?
Answer: He lived on the banks of the Ganga.

2.) “Wait here at the big gate until I come out of the palace. And don’t be careless”

a.) Who said these words?

Answer: The chief said these words.

b.) Who does ‘I’ refer to?
Answer: “I” refers to the chief.

c.) Why did he warn him not to be careless?
Answer: He warned him not to be careless as the fisherman could escape.

3.) “I think, when the king saw it, he remembered somebody he loves”

a.) Who said these words?

Answer: the chief said these words.

b.) What does “it” refer to?

Answer: “It” refers to the king’s ring.

c.) What did the king see? 
Answer: The king saw the ring. 
II.) Vocabulary :

A.) Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.

1.) drop in    –  d. visit

2.) engrave   –  c. carve

3.) guilty      –  b. accused

4.) carp         –  e. fish

5.  reward     –  a. prize

B.) Find the opposite of the following words from the text:

hard hearted     x      kind 
careful              x     careless 
arrest                x     release 
punishment      x      reward

C.) Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the phrasal verbs given in brackets:

1.) Yesterday, we  asked for your address but you refused to give
2.) Fisherman said, “You can’t  give up the trade of your ancesters”.
3.) Children depend upon their parents.
4.) Shakuntala was  brought up in the company of birds, animals. and nature.

D.) Sit in pairs, with help of dictionary find out the correctly spelt words.

1)  magnificent,magnifiecent, maganefecent, magneficent.
2) cheef, chief,cheif, chefe.
3) anicester, ancsester, anciester,  ancestor.
4) writen, wreeten,  written,ritten.
5) Now read the following conversation and try how you can report them.

1.) Suchaka: You have done the king a good turn, chief.
2.) Januka: All for the sake of this fisherman, it seems to me.
3.) Fisherman: Take half of it, master, to pay for something to drink.
4.) Januka: Fisherman, you are the biggest and best friend I’ve got. The first thing we want is
something to drink. Let’s go where they keep it.

Begin like this:

1.) Suchaka told the chief that he had done the king a good turn.
2.) Januka said that for him it seemed all for the sake of that fisherman.
3.) Fisherman told the masters to half of that and to pay for something to drink.
4.) Januka told the fisherman that he was the biggest and best friend he had got. He also said that the first thing they wanted was something to drink and asked them to go where they kept it.

1.) As soon as he saw the police he ran away.

Answer: No sooner did he see the police than he ran away.

2.) As soon as the teacher entered the classroom all the students stood up.
Answer: No sooner did the teacher enter the classroom than all the students stood up.

3.) As soon as she saw the snake she fainted.

Answer: No sooner did she see the snake than she fainted.

D.) Let us see how to combine two sentences using too——— to and so ——— that ——— not. 
Combine the following sentences in two ways as shown above.

1.) He is ill. He cannot resume his duty. 
Answer: He is too ill to resume his duty. 
He is so ill that he cannot resume his duty.

2.) It is very cold. She cannot go out.
Answer: It is too cold to go out.
It is so cold that she cannot go out.

3.) The poem is very difficult. They cannot understand it.
Answer: The poem is too difficult to understand it. 
The poem is so difficult that it cannot be understood.

4.) The tree is very tall. He cannot climb it.
Answer: The tree is too tall to climb.
The tree is so tall that it cannot be climbed.

5.) The list is very long. I cannot mention it here.
Answer: The list is too long to mention it here.
The list is so long that it cannot be mentioned it here.
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