I. Four alternatives are given. Choose the best alternative: -
1) There are …… for our pain.
A] balms B] gains C] dreams D] vain
2) There are ……. for our loss.
A] hearts B] gains C] feel D] balms
3) What takes something from our hearts?
A] dream B] sigh C] youth D] pain
4) We behold youth on ………. and …………
A] Earth and air B] sky and land C] heart and soul D] none of these
5) ………….. never comes again.
A] death B] youth C] birth D] beautiness
II. Answer the following questions:-
1. Why take something from our heart? Why?
Ans.: If once youth is gone, it takes something from our heart. So the poet says that youth should
be enjoyed at that time and we cannot regain it back.
2. What will never come again and why?
Ans.: Youth will never come again if once it is passed in our life. Because it is already over. And
we cannot regain it later.
3. Why do we feel that something sweet?
Ans.: Youth feels something sweet and better with flying feet even though we are stronger and
4. What do we behold everywhere?
Ans.: We behold or look at for youth everywhere in the earth and in the air. We feel sigh and it
gets vanished from us. So the only beautiful youth is vanished and it never comes again.
5. What does gains and balms are for?
Ans.: The gains are of all our losses and the balms are for all our pains.
6. What we are?
Ans.: We are stronger and are better under Manhood’s sterner again.
III Read each of the following extracts and answer the questions given below:
1. “It takes something from our hearts”
a. Who said this?
Ans.: The poet Richard Henry Stoddard said this.
b. What does ‘it’ refer to?
Ans.: ‘It’ refers to Youth.
2. “Something beautiful is vanished”
a. Who said this?
Ans.: The poet Richard Henry Stoddard said this.
b. Why it is vanished?
Ans.: If once the youth is gone, we cannot regain it again. It takes something from our heart. So,
the poet says that once youth is gone, something beautiful is vanished.
3. “We behold it everywhere”
a. Who do we behold for?
Ans.: We behold or look at for youth everywhere.
b. Where do we behold it?
Ans.: We behold youth on the Earth or in the air everywhere if it is vanished.
4. “Still, we feel that something sweet”
a. Who said this?
Ans.: The poet Richard Henry Stoddard said this.
b. What do we feel that something sweet?
Ans.: We feel that we are stronger and better during our youthful days, we feels that something
followed the youth, with flying feet.