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GRATEFULNESS - Class 9th Second Language English Textbook Solutions



I. Four alternatives are given. Choose the best alternative: -

1) …………….. Is the poet of the poem ‘Gratefulness?’

A] P.G. Wodehouse B] Victor Hugo C] Joseph .T. Renaldi D] Clifford Martins

2) The poet says one has to be grateful to the …………
A] Eyes B] Creator C] Ears D] Mind

3) Through ears poet may hear …….. Of those who need him near.
A] Crying B] Laughing C] Sobbing D] Shouting

4) ………. Helps to aid others.
A] Mind
B] Ability C] Ears D] Lips

5) Hands help to do ……. Work.
A] Difficult B] Arduous C] Easy D] Simple

6) Poet pray God for strength and ………
A] Guidance
B] Grace C] Ability D] Help

7) The meaning of word sobbing is ………
A] Laughing B] Sad C] unhappy D] Crying

8) Poet is grateful for one thing else all that is ……….
A] Eyes B] Heart C] Ears D] Ability

9) The poet place ………… above all else.
A] Affection B] Love C] Peace D] Truth

10) Poet prays to the God for giving us ……….
A] Ability B] Weakness C] Strength D] Love

11) Sobbing means……….
A] Helping B] Crying C] Guiding D] Strength

12) Comfort means ………
A] Feel better
B] Happy C] Strength D] Crying

13) The poet prays to give ………
A] Happiness B] Simple task C] Arduous task D] Strength

14) Aid means ……..

A] Cry B] Guide C] Help D] Ears

15) Poet keeps …………. all above.
A] Heart
B] Mind C] Ears D] Lips

II. Answer the following questions:-

1. Why the poet is grateful for organs?

Ans.: The poet says that every human being is blessed with organs like eyes, lips and hands, and
human beings are having heart to love, and a mind that gives them the ability to help others. So
he is grateful for organs.

2. What does the poet suggests in the poem ‘Gratefulness’?
Ans.: The poet suggests about a good and positive use of the organs and the grace of the creator

3. Why the poet is grateful for eyes?

Ans.: The poet is grateful for the eyes that can see the activities that which we can do.

4. Why the poet is grateful for lip and mind?
Ans.: The poet is grateful for the lips that he can speak words of comfort and peace to all who
seek and he grateful for mind because he might know how to aid theses who need him so.

5. Why does the poet speak words of comfort and peace?
Ans.: Our lips help to speak the words of comfort and peace that makes somebody to feel better,
who are worried.

6. How do our hands help?
Ans.: Our hands help to do some arduous or simple tasks for others and we can pray to give
strength and guidance every day.

7. How the poet help others?
Ans.: The poet helps others by speaking words of comfort and peace and by aiding those who
are in trouble.

8. Why did the poet pray always?
Ans.: The poet pray always because to give him strength and guidance every day to help others.

9. Why the poet is grateful for heart?
Ans.: The poet is grateful for heart and he keeps it all above because, he had given a heart that he
may love.

10. Why did the poet grateful to the creator?
Ans.: The poet is grateful for creator for granting the possessions. He suggests that a good and
positive use of the organs and the grace of the creator.

11. Why the poet grateful for his ability?
Ans.: The poet grateful for his ability because ability always pray to give the strength and
guidance every day.

III Read each of the following extracts and answer the questions given below:

1. “I am grateful for the Eyes”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: The poet Joseph T. Renaldi said this.

b. Why does the poet grateful for Eyes?
Ans.: The poet is grateful for the eyes because he can see the activities that can be done by him.

2. “I am grateful for the Ears”

a. Who does ‘I’ refer to?

Ans.: ‘I’ refers to the poet Joseph T. Renaldi.

b. What made him to be grateful for Ears?
Ans.: The poet is grateful for ears because that he may hear the sobbing of those who need him near.

3. “I am grateful for the Lips”

a. Who is the speaker of this line?

Ans.: Joseph T. Renaldi is the speaker of this line.

b. How does Lips help us?
Ans.: Through Lips, we might speak some words of comfort and peace to all who seek.

4. “I am grateful for mind”

a. Who is grateful for mind?

Ans.: Joseph T. Renaldi is grateful for mind.

b. How does mind help a human being?
Ans.: Mind might know how to aid those who are in problems. It helps to solve the problems of
others. In this way mind is helpful for human being.

5. “I am grateful for the hands”

a. Who said this?

Ans.: The poet Joseph T. Renaldi said this.

b. According to the poet how does a hand help him?
Ans.: According to the poet hands help to do some arduous or simple task for others and help to
pray to give him the strength and guidance every day
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