1) Look at the points raised in the questions given below. Talk about them to your partner, the boy or the girl sitting next to you. Write down what you say.
a.) The first traveller gave the robbers a good fight. (True / Not True)Not True
b.) The man suffered serious injuries. (True / Not True) True
c.) The sight of the wounded man frightened the priest. (True / Not True) True
d.) Describe the pitiable state of the man in two short sentences.
Answer: The man was bleeding to death and had terrible pain. He was covered all over in the blood and moaned painfully.
e.) “I don’t want to dirty my hands.” Who said this? To whom?
Answer: A man said this to himself.
f.) “I’m sure he’s no one I know.” – Was this a good reason not to help the wounded man? Justify your answer.
Answer: No, this is not at all a good reason not to help the man who was in terrible pain. Humanity should always come first. No matter what one belongs to, we should help the needed ones. The man should have helped the wounded man because had he helped him, he would have got the treatment soon.
g.) Who helped the wounded man?
Answer: A Samaritan man helped the wounded man.
h.) Did the Samaritan have a reason not to help the wounded man? If so, what was it?
Answer: The Samaritan was a good and generous man who didn’t have any reason not to help the wounded man. He believed in helping the needed one.
i.) The fourth traveller had noble and generous feelings. (True / Not True)
Answer: True
j.) There was something special in the fourth man’s act of kindness. What was it?
Answer: The fourth man was a Samaritan. The wounded man was a Jew. Over many years Jews and Samaritan were enemies but despite this, the Samaritan man helped him without keeping any hatred in his heart. He lifted the man’s head and brushed the dust of his mouth. He even cleaned the man’s eyes and gave him some water to drink. He carried the wounded man and put him on his donkey and took him into the town for his treatment.
k.) What first aid did the Samaritan give the wounded man? What was the beast of burden in the ancient days?
Answer: The Samaritan lifted the man’s head and brushed the dust out of his mouth. As the first aid he put wine on his wounds to clean them and make them heal quickly. Donkey was the beast of burden in the ancient days.
l.) The Samaritan was well-to-do. Give two reasons for this after reading the text.
Ans . The Samaritan had donkey and he gave some money to an innkeeper for the treatment of the wounded man.
m.) Who narrated this parable?
Answer: Jesus Christ narrated this parable.
n.) What moral lesson did Jesus teach through this parable?
Answer: The moral lesson Jesus taught through this parable was to love everybody, especially strangers and those who are in need of help. He gave the message of helping each other and putting humanity first before anything else.
4.) Now, working with your partner, rewrite these pairs of sentences as single sentences.
a.) i. You did not ask me for a loan.
ii.) I did not give you a loan.
Answer: If you had not asked me for a loan, I would not have given you a loan.
b.) i. I caught the ball at the boundary line.
ii.) They lost the match.
Answer: If I had caught the ball at the boundary line, they would have lost the match.
c.) i. She ran very fast.
ii.) She caught the chain-snatcher.
Answer: If she had run very fast, she would have caught the chain-snatcher.
Word formation :
Note that the suffix -“er”combines with verbs to form nouns.
5.) Working with your partner, write down some verbs and their noun forms.
Verbs Nouns
Teach Teacher
Play Player
Work Worker
Dream Dreamer
Read Reader
Lead Leader
Win Winner
Love Lover
Writing :
6.) Write a conversation between the innkeeper and the injured man. Begin like this.
The next morning the innkeeper said to the injured man, “You lay unconscious the whole day yesterday. How are you feeling today?” “Much better, thank you,” said the injured man
Innkeeper – Do you know that a good man helped you?
Injured man – How great he must be!
Innkeeper – Indeed. He even cleaned your wounds. You were in terrible condition.
Injuired man – Is he still here?
Innkeeper – He left this morning. He has given money and asked us to take care of youuntil you become stronger again.
Injured man – I will be grateful to him until the last day of my life.
Innkeeper – Indeed. Let me know if you need anything.
Injured man – Thank You.
6 a) Work with your partner, the boy or the girl sitting next to you, and fill in appropriate words in the blanks.
“Let us hide behind this rock,” said the robber to his companion. “Good place. We can see the _ travelers from this end to that end ,” said the second one. “The road is so empty ” said the first. “We will have to return.” said the second.