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Pandora’s Box - Class 7 Second Language English Textbook Solutions

 Pandora’s Box 

Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

Check your understanding:

Question 1.
What harm did Pandora bring through her curiosity?
Answer: As she was a girl Pandora had much curiosity to know what was inside the box, So she gave up playing with Epimetheus and opened the lid of a box slightly. All kinds of ugly stinging insects came from the box and filled the room. These insects bit both Epimetheus and Pandora. After a while they all flew away and spread the sorrow and pain everywhere. Most of them were hurt by these insects.

Question 2.
Who helped to cure those who were hurt?
Answer: HOPE a small and neat fairy having her snowy wings came out from the box and helped to cure those who were hurt. This fairy fluttered here and there and touched gently and gave some relief.

Pandora’s Box Summary in English

This is one of the ancient tales. Everything on the earth was beautiful, bright and everyone was happy since the world was young. In nature, the Sun shined brightly and fruits and flowers grew everywhere. Epimetheus, a lovely boy lived at the time. He had everything except a companion The messenger wearing a winged cap named Mercury came with Pandora, a beautiful girl. Epimetheus welcomed her with great Joy.
Both were very happy. One evening Mercury came again with a huge box. Pandora was very curious to know what was in the box. But mercury refused to tell, instead of that, he warned them not to open the box until he should call for it again. Epimetheus called Pandora to play with him. But Pandora was not interested to go to play, she was curious to see what was in the box.
When Epimetheus went to play, Pandora went up, very close to the box, and examined it. It was made of dark wood, on the top, there was a smiling face, which encouraged her to untie the cord of the huge box. Pandora heard whispers from the box. Some sad voices begged her to open the box and free them from the box. Pandora was kind and she opened the lid a little bit. All kinds of ugly singing creatures flew out and filled the room. They stung Epimetheus and Pandora.
Epimetheus spoke angrily to Pandora why did she open the lid. Both felt sorrow and pain. When they heard a sweet voice from the box, they opened the box. A small and neat fairy called Hope came and touched both. Then it flew into the world the do same thing to others.

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