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A WRONG MAN IN WORKERS - Class 10 1st Language English Textbook Solutions





Rabindranath  Tagore,  Bengali  Rabīndranāth  Ṭhākur, (born  May  7,  1861,  Calcutta  [now  Kolkata],  India— died  August  7,  1941,  Calcutta),  Bengali  poet,  short- story  writer,  song  composer,  playwright,  essayist,  and painter who introduced new prose and verse forms and the  use  of  colloquial  language  into  Bengali  literature, thereby  freeing  it  from  traditional  models  based  on classical  Sanskrit.  He  was  highly  influential  in introducing  Indian  culture  to the  West  and  vice  versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist  of  early  20th-century  India.  In  1913  he  became the  first  non-European  to  receive  the  Nobel  Prize  for Literature.  

 I. Question and Answers

 1. What sort of things did the man do on earth?
Ans:  - 
The  man  made  little  pieces  of  sculptures  and strange  earthen  things  (pots)  dotted  over  with  sea shells.

2. What was the „mistake‟ of the aerial messenger?
Ans:  -
The  ‗mistake‘  of  the  aerial  messenger  was that he  found  a  place  for  this  wrong  man  in  Workers‘ Paradise (Heaven).  

3. How do people in Workers‟ Paradise spend their time?
Ans:  - 
The  people  in  Workers‘  Paradise  spend  their time in a busy manner. They do not like to be idle. They are happy to work busily.  

4.  Why  did  the  man  not  fit  in  with  the  others  in Workers‟ Paradise?
Ans: -
The  man passed all  his  life on the planet earth. Without  any  work,  he  did  not  fit  in  with  others  in Workers‘ Paradise.  

5. How is the girl described?
Ans: -
The girl  is described  as active,  moving quickly like  the  rapid  movement  of  a  skilled  hand  on  the strings  of  a  guitar.  Her  hair  is  carelessly  done,  a  few wisps  of  hair  falling  on  her  forehead  as  if  trying  to reach her eyes.  

6.  What  was  the  girl‟s  initial  impression  of  the man?
Ans: -
The girl‘s initial impression of the man was that she  was  filled  with  pity.  By  seeing  him  not  doing anything, he did not have any work to do.  

7.  What  did  the  girl  do  after  taking  home  the painted pitcher?
Ans:  -
  After  taking  home  the  painted  pitcher,  the  girl held  it  in  the  light  and  examined  the  painting  from  all angles,  making  sure  that  no  one  was  observing  her. Even  at  night,  she  examined  the  pitcher  again,  in silence under the light of the lamp.  

8.  What  is  the  effect  of  the  man‟s  creations  on  the girl and others in Workers‟ Paradise?
Ans:  -
  The  busy  girl  of  Workers‘  Paradise  started spending  a  long  time  every  day  in  trying  the  coloured ribbon made by the man. She wasted such a lot of time in  trying  the  ribbon  that  time  passed  unnoticed.  Much work  was  left  unfinished.  Gradually,  the  work  of others  also  started  suffering.  Many  persons,  who  were active,  now  became  idle,  wasting  their  precious  time on unnecessary things such as painting and sculpture.  

9. What was the decision taken by the elders? Were they justified?
Ans: -
The elders decided to send away the  man  from the Workers‘ Paradise, saying that he was not the right sort  for  Workers‘  Paradise.  They  justified  themselves by  concluding  that  ―this‖  was  not  the  place  for  the likes of the man.

10.  What  was  the  man‟s  reaction  to  the  elders‟ decision?
Ans:  - 
The  man  felt  greatly  relieved  at  the  elders‘ decision of sending him away at once from Workers‘ Paradise.  

Comprehension II 

1. The man indulged in “mad” whims and “wasted” his  time  painting.  From  whose  point  of  view  are these  terms  used? What  is  the  author‟s  attitude towards the man and his reoccupations?
Ans: -
The terms ―mad‖ whims and ―wasted‖ his time in  painting  are  used  from  the  point  of  view  of  people who  think  that  any  work  should  have  ―utility‖  or ―usefulness‖.  The  author  indirectly  likes  the  man  for his doing something for his pleasure.  

2.  Explain  the  gradual  changes  that  come  in  the girl‟s attitude towards the man.
Ans:  -
  Initially,  the  girl  was  reluctant  and  annoyed when  the  man  asked  her  to  give  him  her  pitcher  for drawing  pictures  on  it.  But  when  the  man  asked  her everyday persistently, she had to yield and give it. For the  first  time,  the  girl  started  showing  interest  in something  that  had  no  meaning  and  no  purpose  at  all. Subsequently,  she  agreed  to  the  man‘s  request  to weave  a  coloured  ribbon  for  her  hair.  The  busy  girl slowly started admiring and enjoying something which has no purpose but sheer pleasure.  

3.  Describe  the  author‟s  view  of  the  “scheme  of things” in Workers‟ Paradise.
Ans:  - 
The  author  does  not  like  the  ―scheme  of things‖.  The  routine  work  done  by  the  people (everyday)  of  the  Workers‘  Paradise  is  like  drudgery. The author seems to suggest that life  becomes  boring, dull  and  monotony,  if  there  is  only  work  and  no recreation. Indirectly, the author takes the side of  ―the man‖.  

4. The man says, “A picture  may have no meaning and may serve no purpose”. Explain the sentence in the context of the central idea of the story. 

Ans: - The man seems to say that the picture may  not have ―usefulness‖, but it had ―aesthetic value‖. It gives happiness  to  our  senses  and  arouses  emotions.  The central  idea  of  the  lesson  is  ―Art  for  Art‘s  sake‖.  It means  that  art  need  not  have  to  teach  values,  give instructions or take sides.  A  poem  or  a  novel  can  be  enjoyed  and  appreciated even if does not carry any message.  

5. The author presents the man as an idler and calls the  other  place  “paradise”.  Are  we  supposed  to take his words literally or does he  mean something different? Irony is a way of using words and tone to mean  something  quite  opposite  to  what  is  actually being  said.  Discuss  the  author‟s  use  of  irony  in  the story. 

Ans:  -  The  author  presents  the  man  as  an  idler  and calls  the  other  place  ―Paradise‖  in  an  ironic  manner. Tagore  is  of  the  opinion  that  human  beings  need  to have some recreation.  After working  for some time  in this  simple  and  humorous  narrative,  he  very  subtly attacks  the  people  in  the  ―Workers‘  Paradise‖  whose obsession is ―work‖ and ―work‖. Broadly, Tagore also attacks  those  writers  and  poets  who  think  that  art should  have  a  purpose,  thereby  trying  to  convey  the idea that art is valuable as art and the only objective of art is the pursuit of pure beauty and pleasure.

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