Plant and Animal Breeding
Learning Card-1
Choose the correct answer:
1. One of the following is a cross breed of cow :
a) Sindhi b) Karna fries b) Jersey d) Holstein
2. Growing plants by immersing their roots in nutrient solution is called:
a) Aeroponics b) Hybridization c) Roof top gardening d) Hydroponics
3. The nutrient present in genetically modified golden rice plant is :
a) Vitamin c b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin A d) Vitamin K
Answer the following questions
1. What are kharif Corps?
Crops that are raised in rainy seasons and harvested at the end of monsoon season.
2. What are Rabi Crops?
Crops that are raised in winter season and harvested in the summer.
3. What is a plant variety?
The term variety is used to describe a group of plants similar in their gene composition but differing in a few characteristics.
4. Which chemical substance is used in polyploidy?
5. What is Animal husbandary?
The various aspects related to feeding, breeding, caring and sheltering of animals in the service of mankind together constitute animal husbandary.
6. Which technology is used in genetic modification?
Recombinant DNA Technology.
7. Mention anyone disadvantage of hydroponics.
In Hydroponic plants fertility is lower and growth is very slow.
8. What is Tissue culture? Mention its uses.
Tissue culture is the practice of growing plant cells and tissues in a suitable culture medium under controlled laboratory conditions.
Advantages of Tissue culture
* Tissue culture is extensively used for large scale propagation of medicind and ornamental plants.
* It is also used for propagating crop and forest plants.
* Tissue culture is also used for developing disease free plants.
* Cell culture is used particularly for the extraction of many useful metabolites.
9. What is Genetic modification?
Instead of randomly mixing genes as in conventional plant breeding, a specific gene responsible for a desired trait, is selected and introduced directly into the new plant variety. This is called genetic modification.
10. Give four examples for genetically modified plants.
a) Bt. Cotton b) flavr savr Tomato b) golden rice d) corm.
11. What is hydroponics? Write its advantages.
There is a practice of growing plants in mineral nutrient solutions in water without soil. It is called hydroponics.
* Soil is not required
* Yields are stable and high.
* Plants grow much heal thier.
12. Mention the uses of Roof Top gardening.
* It increases access to safe outdoor green space.
* It improves air quality due to increased absorption of carbon dioxide.
* It provides habitat for butterflies and birds.
* It becomes a source of recreation.
* It encourages urban food production.
13. Name the three types of breeds of cow in our country. Give two examples for each.
A) Indigenous breed: Sindhi, Sahiwal, Gir.
B) Exotic breeds: Jersey, Holstein, and Brownswiss.
c) Cross breeds: Karan Swiss, Karan fries, Frieswal.
Plant and Animal Breeding
Learning Card-2
Choose the correct answer:
1. Saccharine is a _______
a) Natural additives b) Man made additives c) Artificial additives d) Antioxidants.
2. Sometimes a crop species is mated with a different but related species. This is called:
a) inter specific hybridization b) inter varietal hybridization
c) inter generic hybridization d) polyploidy.
Answer the following questions.
1. Define selection method.
It is a process where a breeder selects from a population of plants having desirable characterstics only the seeds from selected plants are used to raise the next generation.
2. What is hybridization? Name the types.
It is the technique of bringing together desired traits through cross pollination.
a) intervarietal hybridization
b) interspecific hybridization
c) intergeneric hybridization.
3. What is inter specific hybridization
Sometimes a crop species is mated with a different but related species. It is called interspecific hybridization.
4. Explain poly ploidy.
Plants with multiple sets of chromosomes are called polyploids. Increase in the chromosome sets per cell can be artifically achieved by a chemical called Colchicine.
5. What is the basic principle of tissue culture?
The basic principle of tissue culture is totipotery.
6. Which bacteria is used to cultivate B.T. -cotton?
Bacillus thuringiensis.
7. What is Aeroponics? Name any two plants cultivated by this method?
It is a form of hydroprincs where the roots of a plant are either continuously or discontinoursly kept in an environment saturated with fine drops of mineral nutrients
eg: potato, tomoto.
8. Mention the aims of animal breeding.
* Improving the growth rate.
* Increasing the production of milk, egg, wool and other products.
* Improving the quality of products.
* Improving the resistance to diseases.
* Increasing the span of productivity
* Increasing the rate of reproduction.
9. What are additives? Name the three types of additives.
Substances that increase the shelf life and nature of food are collectively known as additives.
a) Natural additives
b) Man made additives
c) Artifical additives.
10. Define the following:
a) Natural additives
b) Man made additives
c) Artificial additives.
a) Extracts from saffron, beet root plant used as a colouring agent.
b) They are synthetic copies of naturally occuring substances like saccharine.
c) They are produced synthetically and not found in nature.
11. A farmer gets less yield due to the effect cotton ball worms. What suggestion would you give him to improve the yield?
I would like to give him the suggestion of cultnating BT cotton that has the capacity of getting rid of cotton ball warm.
12. Write the difference between anti oxidants and colourants.
Antioxidants are substances which prevent food containing fat or oil from developing a foul smell. Colurants are substances which restore colour lost during processing of food.
13. Name the mediums for genetic changes.
Mutagens (Chemicals or Radiations)
Plant and Animal Breeding
Learning Card-3
Answer the following questions:
1. What is inter generic hybridization?
Very rarely, a mating can be conducted between members of two related genera to get a totally new kind of plant. This is called inter generic hybridiation.
2. What is inter varietal hybridization?
Most often different verities of the same species are mated. This is called inter varietal hybridization.
3. What is induced mutation? Why is it not widely used?
Genetic changes can be brought in a plant by using chemicals/ radiation. This is called induced mutation. This method is not widely used, since the site of mutation cannot be contolled.
4. How is B.T. cotton different from normal cotton?
B.T. cotton is a new variety of cotton in which a gene isolated from a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis has been newly introduced. This gene is responsible for producing a toxin which can kill the boll warm that attack the cotton plant. Thus the plant is free from warm infestation.
5. Hydroponics and Aeroponics are the major contributors of space food tehnology. How?
Hydroponic and aeroponic methods are of significance for space research, organizations because a mist easier to handle in hero gravity situations, than a liquid.
6. Name the main approaches of animal breeding.
In breeding
Out breeding
7. What is the difference between in breeding and out breeding?
Inbreeding: It is the crossing of the male and female individuals of the same species among the same breeds. Superior males and superior females in the breeds are identified for this purpose.
Out breeding: It involves crossing of superior makes of one breed with superior females of another breed. It allows the desirable qualities of the two breeds to appear in the offspring.
8. Polyploidy plants have both benefits and limitations .Give reasons.
Polyploidy plants are bigger in side and show greater variability. However, in such plants fertility is lower and growth is very low.
9. The use of artificial additives should be reduced. Give reason.
Artificial additives are produced synthetically and not found in nature. They can affect the life of man badly.